Hi Lustria Online! Here's a little intro post since I haven't visited this site as a registered user until now. Don't be fooled by the title, I am not a tretcharous dark elf imposter here to raid your lands and enslave your spawnlings! I am in fact returning to the gaming side of things after a 2 year break brought about by GW's prices and having my dark elf army stolen. I've not been out of the hobby completely though, I have been active on druchii.net these past few years as I moderate there and run a Roleplaying group. Be sure to check it out! This has of course kept me in touch with what's new and changing, and the resin finecasts amongst other things helped lure me back in where the onset of 8th edition did not. I actually lost my last army in a 'trade' with a guy from Athens. I sent an army of over 2k of Dark Elves and never received the Lizardmen army I was meant to get in return and lost all communication. Suffice to say that was the final insult to the injury GW had been causing by constantly hiking up their prices over the decade I played for. I know that hasn't changed, but I have a little more money and time nowadays and I am really keen to get going again. What attracted to me to dark elves and lizardmen back then, the two armies I played other than hordes of chaos, was the fact they were rarely seen on the battlefield. Druchii and chaos are all over the place now, and I don't really like the direction they went with chaos. So that leaves me with the Lizardmen! Now it's time to buy the rulebook, armybook & some paints, I think!
Welcome to the forums! As you may see we are a thriving community here, (There are loads more guys on here since I went 'offline' for a while). That sounds really painful about the Dark Elves! I personally wouldn't even trust my best mate in that kind of deal (Then again, I'm not a very trusting person). Hope the Lizzies go well for you! Cheers, Bez P.S. I can see the kind of appeal that DE and LM have, I almost started a DE army years ago as my second army, but then dropped them in favour of VC. EDIT: Oh Noes! The dreaded nelson of posts is now mine! I must be doomed!