
Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Samurai Squash, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. Samurai Squash
    Jungle Swarm

    Samurai Squash New Member

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    Just thought I'd post a quick intro here. I've only just started getting into Warhammer, with the Skaven half of the Blood Isle box set acting as my first foray into the world of miniature painting. I've yet to play the game, but I've read the rulebook through a few times, and I think I have a decent grasp on the rules.

    As evidenced by my being here, the Lizardmen have caught my eye (far outshining the Skaven) and I plan on building up a proper army of them, while abandoning my unpainted clanrats altogether. I should be getting my first Lizardmen models soon, and after being through this forum a number of times I believe I'm well prepared to paint, base, and field them competently. Hopefully I'll have time to post my results here and get some good feedback and critique, as well as contribute my own.

    Hope that wasn't too boring =P

    P.S. Just so you can get a sense of where my abilities are at right now, here are a couple of my Skaven models:

    Very first model!

  2. BezZeMad
    Cold One

    BezZeMad Member

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    Welcome to the forums!
    I'm glad you decided to take the path of the Old Ones over that of the vile rat spawn!

    Your models are looking really nice for early attempts, do you water down your paints?
    And more importantly, have you had any previous mini painting experience?

    Cos' if you haven't I might have to have a little cry, as my first mini's we're nothing on yours!

    Cheers, Bez
  3. Samurai Squash
    Jungle Swarm

    Samurai Squash New Member

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    Thanks for the welcome.

    I haven't had any experience painting minis before, but I'm heading into the third year of a post-secondary fine arts program and have always had an obsession for detail work, so that could explain my strong start =P

    I watered down the paint for the highlights of the Warlock Engineer's red cloak, but other than that I like to keep them pretty thick. I do mix paint a little bit sometimes as well.

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