8th Ed. Capital City Carnage Report

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by jormi_boced, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    I decided to attend this Indy GT as my wife had been wanting to visit her brother in Texas this summer, so I suggested we head down for the week following Capital City Carnage and it worked out great! I have been having success with my Lore of Light Kroxigor list so decided to edit the 2200pt one I played at Dark Conquest for 2500pts.

    Slann – Lore of Light
    Focus of Mystery
    Foused Rumination
    Higher State
    Becalming Cogitation
    Cupped Hands
    Plaque of Protection
    Standard of Discipline

    Skink Priest
    Dispel Scroll
    Ironcurse Icon

    Saurus Warriors with Spears x24
    Standard Bearer

    Saurus Warriors x25
    Standard Bearer

    Skinks x14
    Standard Bearer

    Kroxigors x6

    Kroxigors x6

    Kroxigors x6

    Extra Handler

    Extra Handler

    I felt real confident with this list as all of my practice games ended up being wins. I was a little nervous as well though as I figured my losses were bound to come eventually and I hoped they wouldn't pile up at the tourney.

    Round one saw me matched up against another lizardmen player, Erik Larson from Houston I believe. The scenario was about bats coming out of a bridge and blotting out the sky, so we had hidden deployment and the goal was to hold the bridge in the center at the end of the game. His list was a typical lifestar build. I moved up my Saurus with HW and S to take the bridge. The sides were impassable, so I was hoping that block would be able to hold the bridge with their 4+ AS and 6+WS without needing to be worried about being flanked I figured they would be mostly unstoppable. The slann moved up near the back corner of the bridge while the rest of my army got in the river. I he had a his TG and Saurus in horde formation, so I moved my Saurus up to about an inch away from the bridge edge to that he had to reform to hit my saurus. Also this left his back end hanging out for my krox to flank. We ended up calling the game when he was down to a hanful of TG and his slann. I had only lost like a salamander and skinks I believe, maybe one krox unit. So I started out the tourney with a big win and full objective points.

    Second round I played Billy Robinette's Dark Elves. I believe Billy was from Houston as well. I really hate playing Dark Elves. They just have so many tough as nails options that are pretty cheap. He was running two hydras, a lord on Pegasus, level 4 with shadow and level 1 with metal, he also had 3 cold one chariots a block of spears and a like three units of crossbows. The goal of this game was to control 4 buildings that were not able to be entered, so control was being within an inch of them with a unit of at least 5 models. This game really came down to the wire. The first turn really helped me out in this one when my Slann miscast rolled a 3 and then passed it to his lvl 4 that was then sucked into the void. I felt really good then, but I still had a lot of nasty DE on the other side of the table to worry about. I really thought with the sorceress being down turn one I should have a pretty dominant game and it should have been, but there were a couple of lopsided combats that I should have just dominated, but rolled horrible or he rolled great and that put me back a bit. I think I ended up being up by just shy of 200 pts, so I got another win and we both got 2 bonus pts I believe. So after round 2 I felt pretty good about my 2-0 record and only missing two bonus pts.

    Round three I played Jason Johnson ( I think that is the correct name) and I think he was with the Arkansas crew. He brought some nasty Slannesh demons with a couple siren songs. one in a horde of demonettes and one in unit of seekers. He also had a horde of bloodletters and a decent size unit of flamers and two units of Slannesh Fiends. So a lot of things that are pretty fast and hit hard. This scenario we all had a weirdo which was a guy that counted as a champion in one of our units. He had a decent stat line and could invoke a power each turn, but in order to activate the power you had to do something weird, like write and recite a poem about your opponent's demise or make a crayon drawing showing your opponent's defeat. The objective was too keep your weirdo alive and kill your opponents. I don't remember a lot about this game, but Jason bought me a beer during it and I got him one too and he was a lot of fun and a good opponent. We had one rough part in the game where it was tough to determine if I was in the flank or front of one of the units. I had just combat reformed them, so I probably should have had him look at it while I was doing it and make sure there was no contention as I could have set them at an angle to make it not an issue at all, but we ended up rolling for it and the roll went in my favor. We both did a lot of killing and I don't think either of us had much remaining on the board, but I had the win and we both had two objective pts.

    So at the end of day one I was sitting at 3-0 with 8 of the 12 objective pts. I felt pretty good about that.

    The first game of day 4 I played against a good WoC player from Houston. Tim Faegin I believe his name was, but I am bad with names. He had two hordes of marauders with MoK and GWs. He had one unit of Tzeentch Warriors with HW&S and one with Halberds as well a two hellcannons a BSB and a Heavens Sorcerer on foot. This game we had to nominate one of our musicians to be a band leader and each turn he could pick a song that would give some benefit to one of your units. This game was another bloodfest with both of us getting into massive melees and lots of deaths. Unfortunately time was called during my last turn. Most tourneys I have been too you get to play out the full round, so you don't get cheated out of a turn, but unfortunately that wasn't the case here, as I think I would have taken out his very weakened generals unit if we had got to the combat phase. As it stood it was a draw as I was up by only like 60pts. If I would have gotten a chance to finish of that unit I would have won I think we each got 2 bonus pts. So going into the final game I was at a very respectable 3-0-1 with 10 of 16 objective pts.

    So for the final game I was on table 3 facing Brian Moyer's Lizardmen. On Table two were Billy Robinette and Jason Johnson whom I had both previously played and beat and table one had Tim Faegin who I had just drawn with. I think I must have had the toughest schedule of the tourney looking at that. Going all the way to Austin TX I figured I would have all new opponents, but that didn't end up being the case as I had played Brian Moyer at Northstar. Being that he is the number one Lizardmen general I figured I was in for a tough game. He was playing his ETC list, so due to the restrictions I though he had pretty friendly list and thought mine was probably a bit tougher, so was hoping that would see me through. Turn one I miscast with my toad and roll the nasty 3 and am about ready to be a big jerk and suck his toad into the warp, but the cupped hands backfired on me as I rolled the one and I sucked my own toad into the warp. Oooops He then backed up a bit as he was now up 700 pts I got in some combat with him, but couldn't beat his units backed by lore of light without my own magic and ended up just taking a couple of my objectives to end the game with a loss and 2 bonus pts.

    I wasn't sure where that would put me in the pts, but I was hoping I could still maybe get a plaque of some sort since they were all nice. Alas that wasn't to be and I placed just a bit outside of the plaques. I did however win a couple Reaper models from the door prize pool and got 3rd in the conversion contest for which I got a bitz box with a ton of bits. My crayon drawing got me another Reaper blister and I answered a quiz question to get a cool movement tray prop to keep your models standing on a hill or other piece of terrain.

    I had a great time and would like to make it back, but being 17 hrs away will make that hard. Hopefully sometime though.
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Great job! Good report as well. What was the conversion that you won with?
  3. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    Here is my entry:

    Here are a couple of other entries:
  4. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Nice work.
  5. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    Thanks, there were some really nice pieces and armies there.
  6. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Sounds like an awesome time :) You play your army really well! Shame about the backfire on the cupped hands. I'm sure that Brian was MORE than happy to see that happen :p Turn 1 one of two Lizzy armies would be without their Slann.. Some interesting stuff :D
  7. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    Thanks, I feel like I am getting pretty comfortable with it and I definitely enjoy playing something a little off the wall.
  8. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Hmmm just realized you aren't using TG.. Where do you normally tuck your Slann away?
  9. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    He generally doesn't go in a unit. Against skaven with Dreaded 13th he hops in the Saurus or if I am worried about something attacking him in combat like a bloodthirster I might put him in a unit, but generally I can block him off with all of my units.

    There isn't too much he is scared of though. I have even had him run down a Prince on Star:) After the charge I am up by one if he fails to wound.

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