8th Ed. Woodelves *sigh*

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Oldest, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. Oldest

    Oldest New Member

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    Hi there, I'm newish to this forum, first post. I have a problem with woodelves, as one of my very good friends is regularly beating me in our games.

    We usually play small games, because we don't have very many models, and thus can't play higher point games. So most of them are around 1200 points, sometimes a couple hundred higher or lower.

    My problem is that I can't touch him. If I take saurus armies, i can't reach him; he has a marchblocking banner that marchblocks at 12". If i go mainly skinks, they die to s4 shots and because most of his army is skirmishers, I can't shoot multiple shots. Also, that move and shoot is really annoying.

    I once ran a salamander to take out his treeman, but it died to shooting in the first turn

    I really don't know what to do at this point, any advice?
  2. BezZeMad
    Cold One

    BezZeMad Member

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    Temple Guard and Banners are your answer, take a unit of TG and give 'em the banner that makes 'em more resilient to shooting (I can't remember the name it's been so long since I used it). Then waltz 'em up to the troublesome unit and pound it into the dust!

    I also recommend anything you can get that can travel fast so as to whether the storm of shooting. You could try Saurus Cav with the said banner (It would have to be a big unit to survive the shooting and still get in at a decent strength).

    Basically the objective is to hit his units with expendable ones as fast as possible to prevent him from shooting at your slower moving game winners (Saurus).

    Hope this helps, Bez

    P.S. A Stegadon makes a great arrow attractor, get one and it will be all your opponent fires at (Or they won't shoot it at all and it will make a mess of his units when it gets in)
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Using lore of light on the slann in combination with 1 or 2 skink priests using the signature spell on the heavens lore will get you alot of protection from shooting. Pha's protection gets you a -1 to hit and Iceshard blizzard does the same thing.

    Even an EOTG would give you a 5+ ward vs shooting attacks.
  4. ryan88

    ryan88 New Member

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    as a wood elf player i can tell you that they are deadlier in small games than not. once you play a bigger game you'll see the difference.
  5. Oldest

    Oldest New Member

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    Allright, thanks guys. I'm playing 1500 points with him in a week or two, so not that soon because of final exams. I don't have a list right now, I'll post one soon though.

    I know he will have around 20 dryads, a treeman, 10 wardancers and probably something like 2 units of GG with 12 each.
  6. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    Lizardmen are generally expensive, they are good and have lots of internal synergies but the sweet spot for them is somewhere around 2500-3500 points.

    Wood elves are also generally expensive, but they get worse as the battlefield gets crowded and enemies can afford more effective combos. Their sweet spot is nearer 750 to 1500 points.

    Get more points worth of troops and you should see the balance shift (get a slann!).
  7. ryan88

    ryan88 New Member

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    yes. exactly my point, and a slann would be brilliant, the dwelllers spell is a 50/50 shot a killing whatever it touches in an elf unit, i know alot of people think fire for the flamabble rule but really there's only going to be the tree and dwellers is better than him too.

    also an ethereal slan is your best friend i know alot of people dont run it but i do with the 2+ward to shooting palaquin. and you could throw in the extra power dice ability and a power scroll to force an irrisistable force roll on dwellers. basically you commit 6 dice from the power pool the seventher freebie makes it irrisitable with the scroll. you take a measly little test that your ward will probably save you from and if not you can make up for any of the wounding effects with another spell cast from life and heal. I find it worth it to cast the big dwellers right on top of n elf lord and his whole crew and wipe half of em out.
  8. Oldest

    Oldest New Member

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    Ethereal? But all Forest Spirit units have magical attacks. And my friend has 24 dryads and a treeman. I mean, it would allow the slann to survive the shooting, but I'd need to move closer because he usually don't move his dryads until i'm close enough to charge.

    Ok so something like this though?

    Slann - 275
    3 diciplines - 100 (+1 powerdice, ethereal, loremaster)
    Power Scroll - 35
    2+ ward against shooting (i forget how much it costs)

    sound good?
  9. Leokill27

    Leokill27 New Member

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    I played WE at 1500 not long ago and decided to be a prick,

    Slann 370
    Rumination (+1 PD)
    Cognition (Haha, no 6's for that guy)
    Cupped hands

    Sat him in 20 TG, a 3+ armor against shooting for them is great. Even at S4 you're T4 with a 4+ save after modifiers

    At 1500 you can really bring the hurt, I find at 1250 LM tend to be a little off balance. I'd suggest taking Life, light or fire. Personally, go light, Timewarp your guys and run up and charge, 2D6+8 gives you great range and you'll tend to hit something.
  10. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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  11. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    The banner only forces you to pass a Ld test in order to march within 12". Shouldn't be much of a problem to pass for Lizardmen (just checking he's not told you that you can't march at all...)

    This is one of the rare occasions where I'd take some Cavalry. Wood elves are manoeuvrable, but suffer against heavy armour. Cavalry with the Sun Standard should be able to make a mess of the glade guard and dryads.

    Salamanders are great for hitting large blocks of units. With a single hit against a treeman, you'll be wounding on 6's and only doing a single (or 2) wounds. Sally's aren't very good against single targets.

    I'd suggest a unit of around 9 cavalry with a mounted Scar-Vet. You could give them the flaming banner and the -1/-2 to shooting banner. (eggs and baskets I know), but they'd survive the S3/4 shooting really well and be able to hammer into combat, and probably would do well against the treeman if you get the charge - he'd loose his thunderstomp against cavalry, and mounts and riders would both have flaming attacks for double wounds.
  12. Oldest

    Oldest New Member

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    :O yes, he has told me I can't march.. WOW. This is my fault though, for not reading the rules correctly.

    I normally don't like calvary, and I only have the 6 that came with the battalion. Should I get some more?
  13. venom_x51

    venom_x51 New Member

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    Well, that should help out a bit. :)

    As for cavalry, I wouldn't get any more unless you're playing larger games imo. Or at least try them out first before investing. I've got 15 of them from 7th edition that barely come out to play these days.
  14. Oldest

    Oldest New Member

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    Ok, thanks alot. I'll try this stuff out in our next game
  15. ryan88

    ryan88 New Member

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    be careful of his heroes, as a wood elf player myself i like things like arcane bodkins vs lizards and chaos knights and dwarves. and i tear through them without their armour saves to rely on.

    the thing is wood elves are squishy but sharp they can dish it out but cant take the hits nearly as well. salamanders seem like great choices vs them. good mobile artillery. I normally hate razordons but they may even be better since most wood elves have no armour or too little to matter.
  16. Cowboy jet

    Cowboy jet New Member

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    I know this is a bit older post, but this is an important point for slann players:
    p43 of the armybook: Rumination will allow you to roll more dice than normally allowed. So if you take 6 from the pool you can roll 7 dice.

    The only limit is the total power limit of 12. Which means that if your lucky enough to roll double 6 for the WoM,
    you cannot add the extra die on the first spell you cast.
    So first cast Awakening or whatever, your oponent might even spent dispel dice on it, and then you can use 7 dice to try the dwellers. Giving you 99% change of casting. 96% for the boosted version at 21+.
  17. Danger Goat

    Danger Goat New Member

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    As a WE player as well, I fear a Slann with Life much more than Fire, unless you are fighting a Treemonic Legion, of course. Fire might help against a few targets, but overall, Dwellers wrecks elves and Awakening will mess up their battle plans if they are staying in trees. Regrowth should offset casualties from shooting and the buffs from Life will minimize the damage WE big nasties can do. I'm sure Light could work well too and I'm not saying Fire is useless, just limited in my opinion.
  18. ryan88

    ryan88 New Member

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    the thing with the 7 dice is in combination with the power scroll so that you can't not get irrisistable force. 6 sides on a dice, 7 dice 2 have to be the same thing. instant irrisistable force.

    What's that? purple sun of xereus? why yes! oh the big one of course, and forget the dispel attempt.
    (i know that spell is less effective against elves, bot it is wonderful vs skaven, or other lizard players...)

    the perk with life is that most miscast rolls are take a wound at srt___ which as far as i read my ward save isnt negated. and i can heal when casting life spells. oh no please not that! the chance of actually duing is terribly low and we have preventative items if you are worried about it.
  19. Wolf

    Wolf Member

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    The problem is that the standard miscast isn't very healthy for the unit the Slann is with... S10 hit for everything in base contact on a 7, small template S10 on a 5-6.. painful enough.
  20. ryan88

    ryan88 New Member

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    ahaha! thats why i have a lone ethereal slan with a bunch of salamanders a few inches out front. it works well.

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