8th Ed. Woodelves *sigh*

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Oldest, Jun 5, 2011.

  1. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    I took out a treeman with the Blade of Realities in 7th. Probably hard to do with the bsb rules now.
  2. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Doesn't the blade of realities force the opponent to make a LD test for each hit caused? Or am I missing something from the FAQ?

    So a treeman would have to make LD saves for three (on average) hits on his LD of 8. He may be able to re-roll the saves for the failed ones but it's still a good chance that you will kill him in two rounds of combat. Even with the BSB rules, I still think its plenty worth it to have the BoR ;) And remember, you just use it on things that are 12" or more away from the BSB and you are golden :D

    Also, you may not be quicker than his army but you can try this technique, funneling. Get your larger units on the extreme flanks and run all of your other units up the middle. Try and squeeze him in and then sandwich him. Or you can get some larger units of skink skirmishers and chase his skirmishers down and get them into combat so they don't move for a turn or two.
  3. Oldest

    Oldest New Member

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    Hmm, I'll think about it. However, is it cheesy if I use my slann in 1500 points?
  4. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    Well, he takes a treeman at 1200-1500 points which is kinda mean ;) But its up to you what is going to happen. You can bring a Slann and destroy his face or take other troops and learn how to cope with the situation
  5. L1qw1d

    L1qw1d New Member

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    I've been thinking HARD about how to beat woodies with my non liz list, but I can roughly translate.

    I like 2 casters, one 4 other 2. If he's one of the ADVANCED Woodies? He'll have an Alter Elf Guy that can use a Doom Arrow on you. Many of them run Treeman and have at least a cast or 2. So: Toad them (Hex Scroll, not bestowing our Slaanish magnificence upon them) or Feedback Scroll. Why Feedback? Most Woods run Life on a secondary caster at LEAST- Ergo, unless they cast a BIG wood spell that would be horrible? Hit the Lifer.

    Treekin are only vulnerable to magic and are FLAMMABLE (because they're Forest Spirits) so honestly, think of all the Fire 8th has given people, and you have nothing BUT toys to work with lol.

    Also: Terradons are good because aside from the archers that can hit from 30" with no problem? Many of them have at least 1 if not 2 War Eagles, one being ridden by their General (or a Stag).

    LOTS of Archers. Horses with Archers, Glade Guard, Waywatchers...ANYTHING with a bow & arrow. 30" and KB in close range. You can counter with most anything, because they're elves. Aim for S & T checks and you've turned them into pate' lol.

    Weaknesses? poison, skirmishers, fire, anything that stops LoS and can sucker punch. think about it- the normal fighting line can hold dryads, but is slow. a Banner of Striding actually gets the slower guys up into a nice threat range.

    So basically, Lizzie:: WoC to Woodie:: Empire as an analogue. They think of lizzies as tin cans that are slow and lurching. Surprise them by making them CHOOSE what they lose from round one onward!

    Sorry. got excited lol

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