Are there any differences in painting the new resin minis? I just got Lord Kaldor Draigo. Can I just use my same old techniques from plastic, or do I need to do somethings differently?? All feedback is GREATLY appreciated
A friend of mine got one of the skaven warlords in resin a few weeks ago and just painted him like he would any other model and it turned out looking just fine. I'm not sure if there are any special ways to make a resin model better with a paint job but just painting it like you would a plastic or metal model doesn't appear to do any harm
Yeah painting is exactly the same as any other models. Apparently GW is not using a mold release agent, but I would still suggest giving them a bit of a rinse in warm, soapy water before undercoating anyway, resin models can get a bit dusty.
I haven't bought any finecast stuff yet, though I've heard you dont really need to prime them as the resin is stickier for paint than traditional plastic and metal (not considering mould release agents). When you say wash in warm soapy water, do you just use hand soap or something? I used to use dishwashing detergent to wash some models to get rid of any mold release or finger oils because someone told me there's conditioners in hand soap.
I use liquid hand soap, seems to work fine. Definitely need to make sure that all the soap is off before painting though... I'd also still prime regardless of what they say about the resin. Spraying just ensures a nice even coat of black, so you aren't chasing small bits of grey on hard to reach places later.