Fiction Bo-te-huini

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by jormi_boced, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    The clever Skink leader Bo-te-huini crept through the jungle underbrush with all senses heightened. He was searching for pack of raptors nesting area and hoping to sneak in and out without arousing the mighty Cold Ones. The temple needed more Cold Ones for their coming campaign and Bo-te-huini was blessed with the opportunity to bring back the eggs.

    As Bo-te-huini approached the nests he became ever more cautious and crept so low to the ground he was almost slithering. Clutching the empty satchel close to his chest Bo-te-huini crept into the clearing. He was now easily within range of their sense of smell. It was the moment of truth; would the Cold One slime he covered himself in disguise his scent or would he soon feel the fetid breath from one of the savage beasts on his back just before their sharp teeth.

    He could see some of the creatures now roosting on the nests while others ambled around seemingly aimlessly. Now Bo-te-huini waited. As the sun set over the Lustrian jungle canopy the primitive beasts became somewhat restless it seemed it was time to for them to hunt and it would soon be Bo-te-huini's turn to hunt as well. As the Cold Ones withdrew from the area Bo-te-huini inched in. Finally the fruit of his labor was in his hands as he slowly filled his satchel with the hard shelled beast eggs. As he neared filing his bag he heard a crack from the dense jungle behind him. He quickly turned and drew his blowpipe but nothing appeared. As he returned to his task he noticed a wincing pain coming from his right leg. Blood was dripping from a small cut on his leg. He cursed his thin aqueous skin as he spied the jagged broken bone he must have caught it on as he spun around. It was no matter though, his task was done and he would return to the temple with a great boon to their cause.

    Bo-te-huini traversed the thick jungle terrain climbing over, under and through the dense fauna with ease only his nimble skink frame could afford. Thunder rumbled in the distance and Bo-te-huini quickened his pace. He had no fear of water, but even his strong swimming skills could be tested by a flash flood in the dark jungle. Something strange was going on though the thunder was still rumbling and getting louder. In fact it wasn't thunder at all, it was a crash of Cold Ones. Bo-te-huini cursed himself for not recognizing the sound sooner and double cursed himself when it occurred to him how he was being followed. That small cut was mostly dry now, but the Cold Ones keen senses could smell his blood within miles. That was the mistake of newly spawned Skink, not a veteran of the jungle like himself. He should have spent the time to staunch the bleeding at the site, but in his haste to leave he forgot about the small nick, but that small nick could soon be his end.

    His pace as now a full out sprint. He was quick and nimble but they were quicker. His only hope was that their clumsy crashing would help slow them enough to even the pace. Their scent was close now and it sounded as though their teeth were gnashing just inches from his tail. He felt his end was near, but then he heard the most glorious sound he had ever heard. Psshhoot and then again, and again and again overlapping into a loud hum. It must have been more than 100 poison darts flying over his head from the expert hands of the temples Chameleon Skink scouts.

    The thunder slowed and quieted as Bo-te-huini reached the temples scouts location. He turned with his spawn-kin and faced the oncoming crash of Cold Ones with his hand weapon drawn. One last volley of darts was loosed before his brethren drew their hand weapons and the beasts were on them. The Skinks parried and dodged the lunging attacks of the big brutes. Luckily their quick reflexes were generally more than a match for the dim witted advances of their opponents. Slowly the skinks backed towards the temple city holding the beasts at bay for soon they reinforcements would arrive. Massive Kroxigor were streaming forth from the temple city with their massive weapons in tow. They streamed through the Skink lines and met the Cold Ones attacks with equal savagery. Soon the Cold Ones decided that this meal was no longer worth pursuing and fled back to the jungles protection to hunt again.

    Though some skinks fell and were injured in the defense of Bo-te-huini they knew the temples need of the eggs for the next unit of Cold One Riders was great and the campaign would be a success because of their heroic deeds.
  2. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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