8th Ed. My first SoM Game

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by jormi_boced, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    I had a blast! There was some insane stuff going on.

    HE had first turn. On this turn he used the cantrip on my tooled up Chimera to send it packing.

    On my first turn my Slann was able to cast 8 Lore of Fire spells and 2 cantrips on 14 dice as Lore of Fire was in ascendancy. I reduced his Swordmasters to like 5 guys. Truth be told they should have all died from that barrage, but I rolled poorly on my 6d6 fireball and he saved well. I also used the cantrip to take his Shaggoth off the table this turn.

    His second magic phase I used cube of darkness on his first spell and then shut down the whole phase.

    Another thing that really influenced the game was my Slann miscasting on two dice with my first spell of the third turn which turned all of the wizards into toads (which I feel should have no effect on a Slann since he is already a toad:)). This caused me to lose like 20 dice when fire was ascendant again! Then my slann and one skink failed to come back in his magic phase but all but one of his wizards came back. I then failed to bring back either my slann or my other skink on my next phase, so I tried throwing lots of dice at my few Heavens spells and cantrips that I could. I ended up miscasting with my skink and he turned into a monster. Luckily my Slann came back in his next magic phase so I could try and dispel again.

    Another fun thing for me was when his storm dragon charged into my spears. My Scar Vet had the Dawnstar and I had dominance. So his dragon killed like 6 Saurus, but then my Scar Vet landed 8 auto-hit, auto-wound,2d6 Multi-wounds on the dragon. He saved a few of them with his armor, but I did way more than enough wounds, we didn't even roll them:) It would have been kind of fun to see what he would have gotten.

    There were a couple of weird rules things we ran into. On Let the Four Winds Blow it says nothing about targeting units in buildings. I assumed they just took the hits as they couldn't move, like the Wind Blast spell from heavens. That is what we ended up going with, although we thought not targetable and making them exit the building might be viable options as well. It did allow me to drop his level 2, and I had a chance of dropping his level 4, so it was kind of important to the game, but I am pretty certain we played it right.

    Also, he brought a Storm Dragon which has a breath weapon like the lore of metal spells, but doesn't say no armor save. We played it as no armor save though. Not 100% sure if that is right, but assuming GW just missed a line on that one too.

    Anyway, I had a blast and want to play again. Maybe Lord Baerion will get on and give his impression too.
  2. icecool208

    icecool208 New Member

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    there should be a magic item that defends wizards against unwanted transformations like you have to roll equal or less then your wizard level to avoid it. or it could be an artifact and instead of level how many fulcrums you have. idk just an idea
  3. jormi_boced

    jormi_boced New Member

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    That could be a cool item.

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