Nehekaran Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Ecomp, Aug 3, 2011.

  1. Ecomp

    Ecomp New Member

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    Deep in the jungles of The Southlands, the Slann Mage-Priests of Zlatlan have decided to found a new Temple City on the western part of Nehekara, in a hope to establish a connection to Lustria once more, after the sinking of Chupayotl. Lord Tele'xili has risen an army of Saurus, Skinks, and Kroxigor, to protect him on his journey across the Land of the Dead. Because of the dry desert, the aquatic skinks have been having troubles living with little to no water, making them die off as heat kills them slowly. The only times Skinks are now found commonly, is when they are guiding the beasts of the desert, such as a mighty Ankylodon, or a Thorned Devil.

    I got this idea for a desert-themed lizardmen army when my brother got his Tomb Kings army. I wondered how Lizardmen and Tomb Kings would've fought each other, so I came up with this. Here are a few pics of my army so far!

    The Ankylodon! (replaces Stegadon)
    IMG_8897.jpg IMG_8893.jpg IMG_8892.jpg

    The mighty Gilasaur! (replaces Carnosaur)
    IMG_8889.jpg IMG_8887.jpg IMG_8885.jpg IMG_8883.jpg

    My Saurus paint scheme.
    IMG_8882.jpg IMG_8881.jpg IMG_8880.jpg

    I still have to paint/convert more of my army, so expect more over the next few weeks! Hope you enjoy it!
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Welcome to the board! I like your use of the banner on the front of the steg, it looks cool. Also nice idea with the horns, thats give the model a very different look. With greenstuff, try to we it at the end before it has set and run a brush or soft tool over the area a bit to get rid of the finger prints that are visible in some parts.

    Also, if I may give you a couple of painting tips, keep your paints thin but do put an extra coat on where necessary. To get the best result, a couple of thin layers looks better than 1 thick or thin layer. Particularly on the orange of the carnosaur you can see some areas where the black is showing through a lot under the orange, and it looks a little weird where the crevices are brighter than the raised areas. Same with the green and white areas on the saurus.

    Secondly, get yourself some wash or ink! These are very easy to use, you literally wash the model with them (water down inks, but use GW wash straight out of the pot) and the idea is the pool up in the deep areas and sit only thinly on the raised areas so you get an instant shading effect on your models with very little effort. Do this and they will look far better very easily!

    Good luck with it, keep posting them.
  3. Ecomp

    Ecomp New Member

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    Thanks on your feedback Strewart! Unfortunatly, I cannot paint paint them at all this week, because I'm at my mom's house, and my dad has all the paints I need :depressed: But definately, I will do that!
  4. Danger Goat

    Danger Goat New Member

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    Good idea. In the first book of the Nagash trilogy (is it called Nagash?), there are a few references of the Nehekharans (most commonly known as the Tomb Kings, for any fluff newbies) subjugating Lizardmen they fought in the jungles near their land and using them in battle. Some neat imagery, has a lot of conversion potential.

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