Hey all, Just got started with Warhammer after some friends got me interested over the past year. The painting/conversion aspect of the game is what appeals to me most, but I'm not sure where to get started. I've read that there's different brands of paints besides just the GamesWorkshop line, but attempts to look at reviews have left me as confused as ever, so I figured I'd ask Lizardmen painters what works best for them. Right now I've got some cheap paints from Michaels, but I'd assume those aren't nice enough... I'd also love to hear your tips and tricks for making your minis look awesome! Thanks!
This Site has a lot of good information for a beginer painter. http://www.how-to-paint-miniatures.com/ Heres a good review of craft paints. (the cheep stuff) http://www.3t-studios.com/archives/2031 Heres a review of some miniture paints (more expensive stuff) http://wargameguru.weebly.com/review-miniature-paints-101.html Ps. which paints did you get from Michels ? some of whose will work well enough, I use quite a few of those myself.
Thanks for the advice! I bought the Craftsmart brand paints... I think they were on sale for two for a dollar, or something ridiculous like that.
yea I have a few of those, they seem to wok prety good unitll you start geting near the bottom of the bottle, then they seem to get real watery and thin, but still not bad for as cheep as they are.
the best tip I have learned, is to use dilute layers. Thin layer upon thin layer. Use washes too... they make all the difference. I'm not a pro painter or anything, but I always go for good table top quality. Also, it is important to take the time to remove mold lines (a huge pain in the rear) but this is essential. Lastly, even painting the base of your model will make any model look way better. Trust me on this! Patiene, Practice, Phun! Those are the keys!