Hi everybody !! I'm glad to show you a little part of my lizardmen army !! I hope you like it. Please, feel free to tell me all you think about it. I started the Lizardmen since more than 10 years now and somme miniatures may be not very attratctive... so be gentle ^^ (I wish my english is quite good to let all you understand me !!). Thank you very much !! Here are the pics : First of all here is my Slann mage Priest. Then, I will follow with the famous Venerable Lord Kroak : I didn't want to put the mask but I didnt want to leave it too ^^ So I've put a special follower saurus who gring it wherever Lord Kroak go. I used a lot of plastic plants in all my bases (we are in Lustria isn't it ?). I will post more pics later if you agree. Morikun
Great looking army, I looked at you French blog too, you should definately post some of those pics on here as well.
I follow my way with a lizardmen saurus cavalry regiment : Then, what do you think about my two skink chieves : And don't forget the very angry Tehenhauin, the Prophet of Sotek : That's all for today. I'm gonna to dining (the day is nearly finished FOR ME ^^ but not for you. Have a nice day Morikun
Nicely done miniatures. I like your style of painting and excellent idea on the Lord Kroak. I took a look at your blog as well, nice stuff all around. Lookin' forward to seeing more of your stuff. Keep it up.
Good night guys !! Thank you very much for your support !! I didn't sure that my miniatures would please you : american are very good at painting ^^ So because you're asking, here's a new pics selection, enjoy yourself ^^ A skink priest, I'm really proud of the dress. A skink cameleons unit... I've brought such plastic plants on bases that others players often forget to hit them ^^... and sometimes I forget them in a wood or in a swamp on the battle land !! More pics later see you, Morikun
J'aime particulièrement le travail effectué sur les bases. Je crois qu'elles complètent très bien le choix des couleurs. Ton Slann est vraiment classe et j'adore ton interprétation de Lord Kroak, surtout avec le saurus transportant le masque! J'ai hâte de voir le reste!!! Very nice job all around!!!
Ooh, un confrère de la "Belle Province" de Québec !! Merci de lire mon post mon cher SeBM ^^ Today I will hurt your eyes guys. Prepair yourselves because you'll meet with my two stegadons !! In this case I pushed the backround of lizardmen to the extreme limits in the model-making : the shells on the bases are not simple shells took at the beach or in a shop (it would be too simple no ? ^^). These shells are authentic fossils named (in french) "Turitelles" and aged about 10-20 millions years old !! What do you think about that ? I "pick" it in my little brother collection and I put a lot of plastic plants all around. The ground is made with tiling-putty (it's very very VERY strong !!). I'm really proud of them, if possible I use the two : charges are very funny in this way ^^. By the way I try to sell my stegadons because I want to paint two new plastic stegadons. If someone is interested in, we could discuss about ^^... even if I know that the shipping charges would put a brake on. See you guys and thank you very much for reading my post. Morikun
Love the "fossils". Seems to match the steadons well. Maybe at a seaside lizardmen templte-resort. How big was the animal in there? Must've been skink-eater size at least.
These look fantastic. I like how you've gone a little bit more on the bases. Not too much but just right. Great job!
J'adore les deux stegadons, l'ensemble est vraiment frappant!!!! Le travail sur la base met vraiment en valeur le choix de couleurs pour les deux stegadons. Du pur délice! C'est un plaisir de suivre ton blogue!
Hello guys !! Here is a new pics selection ^^ Today I show you a saurus regiment (Actually I've 3 regiments of 20 saurus but I've made a group spearmen pic ). Enjoy !! Merci de tes compliments mon cher SeBM, j'en suis très flatté. J'essaye de tenir mon blog du mieux que je peux mais ça va être un peu dur : ma fille va naître dans moins d'une semaine maintenant ^^ mais tu peux me faire plaisir en t'y inscrivant lol Morikun
Encore une réussite cette unité!!! J'ai déjà mis ton blogue en favoris et je compte bien m'y inscrire pour pouvoir commenter directement!!! Keep those pictures coming!!!
that skink priest's coat on the previous page is brilliant. Only thing is, with the fake plants on his base, as well as the chameleons bases, they look a bit fake. Maybe there's some way to touch them up simply, which might make them look more real?
Bonjour !! It's not wrong my dear Old Mossy, the plastic plant look a bit fake... but I have painted these miniatures about 10 years ago and at this moment, I wanted an army "quick painted, quick cool, quick play" ^^. Now I'm painting the Chaqax miniature and I will keep in mind your quote. Today, I would like to show you my Salamander Hunting Party : "Guess who is coming for diner ?" ^^ Morikun
Smells like we'll be eating BBQ!!!! Since unit once more. And while I agree that the plants look a little fake, I think just some paint to make them look less shiny would do it to make them look more realistic.
Salut Morikun, je me suis inscrit à ton blogue. Si ça t'intéresse, j'ai commencé le mien aujourd'hui. Il est en anglais pour que les gens de ce forum puissent le consulter également .