Not having the benefit of playing too many battles in 8th edition I stumbled across a rule that I didnt know the other day regarding Standard Bearers. I was still under the guise of 7th edition rules where a Standard is captured when a unit breaks from combat and you can win it back if you defeat the unit that captured it. This is no longer the case however as we found out when playing the Blood and Glory scenario thinking we could win back Standards and keep the armies fortitude higher than the breaking point! In 8th edition, if a unit breaks from combat the Standard Bearer is slain. That is to say the model is removed, not replace with a normal rank and file model. You can find the rule under the Last Stand section of the Standard Bearer rules.
Yup, an unfortunate rule which also applies to our venerable Slann if he is the BSB. Its not an issue often, but I have lost a Slann because of it on one occassion.
Yeah losing a Slann like that would suck... It shouldn't happen with high leadership, cold blooded, and possibly steadfast for the TG, but its possible. In fact, losing any BSB is a pain in the arse to that rule.