So here are my werewolf ogres, hopefully the pics to them justice. Gorger/ Maneater/ Random Character BSB Maneater with Great Weapon Standard Bearer Bellower Unit Champions (I could never get the sword to get straight even with the warm water trick) Butcher Yhetees (Their story is that a scientist tried to replicate the werewolf gene and ended up with these instead) Some Bulls Hunter with Sabretusk My big bad Tyrant Slaughtermaster Some Dorfwolves (Ironguts) (Dwarves that have transformed) Some Leadblechers (They throw a bunch of weapons rather than use a cannon) The unpainted Scraplauncher
Those look cool. What company makes those models? I cannot wait for the new Ogre stuff to come out. Unfortunately, I have to wait until close to the end of September to get the book/models. I have a buddy that is selling me almost 2k worth of VC for $50 (Which will complete the army I have almost). Darn GW Budget!!
Thanks Arli. Most of them are from the old Rackham confrontation line, but the dorfwolves and the wolf from the scraplauncher are from privateer press. The humans (which are my gnoblars) are the normal GW humans.
Well I don't know yet, the good thing about having the ultimate proxy army is that I can call whatever looks close enough what I want it to be. As long as there is a good back story most people will buy into it. But if the new rules for the new models are good enough I will have to start looking again. But I love conversions so its no big deal. Here is a site that has most of the old Rackham confrontation: