Hi guys. I am fairly new to Lizardmen. Been playing for ten years (Wood Elves and Vamps) but first time I have picked up the Lizards. I just ordered a whole bunch of stuff to make a 3000pt list. The thing is. I was thinking of running a Slann as my BSB and just keeping him behind my main battle line. He will have 2+ ward against shooting, as well as Magic Resistance (3) and can only be hurt by Magic. Has any one ever done this? The way I see it is he should be fine, as long as I can keep him back and out of combat. What are your thoughts?
get rid of the MR 3 for that setup, just not necessary. the 2+ ward is against ranged attacks, that includes any magic that the MR would be useful against. if your short on points, you could consider dropping the "only hurt by magic", but i like it in that style of play. keeps only the really gnarly stuff away from you, and then you've got the 2+ ward. id recommend keeping him close to a like-style unit, such as saurus or skink skirmishers, for a lovely LoS. can never have enough protection for a solo slann . just keep in mind, the things that can hurt him (i.e. magical items) will be harsh and chances are they will be on something mobile, looking specifically for lone magic users. eliminate these at all costs and you'll be fine
Thanks for the reply. Yeah I did thing about that. But the magic resistance will also help against direct damage spells, which the 2+ against shooting won't. I plan on basically keeping him behind my two units of 30 Saurus warriors and running a Salamander up next to him for a little support. I am also taking 5 Terradons, hoping they will be menouvarable enough to help him out in any nasty situations.
sounds like a nice setup. id run the sally somewhere else, they tend to be magnets and you want them flaming up the flanks anyway.just keep him up in the middle of the saurus at the back of the formation and your opponent will be hard pressed to get a charge off on him down that narrow gap. I'll assume your talking about the Divine Plaque of Protection. If so, read the entry again, it says "ranged attacks". so, in a nutshell, if it has a range (from 1" to unlimited) you get a 2+ ward and that includes any direct damage spells . trust me, mr3 just has no use in your setup
Ahh see in my head I thought it said shooting attacks. But Your right. In that case I may drop it and take the one that gets rid of all 6's rolled by enemy wizards in 24". Or would you say thats kind of pointless also?
His biggest problem is when your units are tied up in combat and something (pretty much anything) get around and charges him. Even if they can't hurt him, they don't need much to win combat res, and once that Slann flees he automatically dies. So be careful of that. There are definitely things in the game that can still hurt him, just be careful with him, but its certainly a viable setup.
I might run it and see how it goes. If it turns out not so good, then I may drop the Cold Ones unit and replace them with some TG for the old frog.
That would most likely be a very good swap. With him in a unit you don't need ethereal or 2+ ward vs shooting on him, so you save lots of points there and can potentially use it on better things for him. TG are a stronger choice than COKs too. Depends on what else you have in your army though. And going the lone Slann is a bit more unique, should be fun, so definitely give it a few tries and see how you like it! Be careful of Skaven and Dwarfs. They can and do make a lot of their warmachines magical, you will still get a 2+ ward but as soon as that is failed most of them are muti-wound so he is probably dead.
getting rid of 6's is a great touch, though you may have to play him a little more forward to take advantage of it. i agree with the TG exchange if you don't find the solo slann to be working
I'll post my army list up over in the army list section. Would appreciate some comment over there and let me know what you all think. I think it looks like a fairly solid list, but I'm still waiting to get my army and give it a try.
If you don't mind me asking a question to the rest of the forum here Alucard698, I've been running a TG Slann for some time and am thinking about going the Lone Wolf road for a change. The only thing I'm still not sure about is whether to equip him with the Crown of Command or the Divine Plaque of Protection? He will probably have the Ethereal discipline as well but we all know those Skaven are too numerous to only place our trust in magical immunity Anyone any insights or experiences?
IMHO 2+ ranged ward. He shouldnt end up in combat anyways, so Stubborn crown isnt as important as extra ward save vs dwarf/skaven warmachines
I was just re-reading this thread and notices that Stewart said if the Slann flees, he dies. I can't find where it says this. That being said, I'm a fairly lazy reader, so I easily skip things haha
Its not just a Slann thing, its only if he is the Battle Standard as well. In 8th ed, GW made it so whenever a BSB or unit standard flees, the model dies instantly. Thats almost the only way my HE BSB has ever died, and it happens a fair bit unfortunately. Should be rarer with a Slann, but still very brutal to lose 500+ points to fleeing.
Ahhh. See, I did not know this. In fact I think alot of players at my club may have overlooked this. So, if you have a unit that has both a Standard and a BSB in it, and the unit flees, does the Standard Bearer and BSB automatically die?
They do indeed. And in the case of a unit, its not just that the standard is dropped you physically remove a model from the unit.
So if the flee and the Standard Bearer has to die. Do you remove the Standard Bearer model? or can you just remove another R&F model instead?