Hello everyone. From time to time, I keep referencing in my posts to my 1st "love' of the game - my Brets. The models are now considered "old school" with all my men-at-arms being metal.. including my Knight Pegasus which I believe was the first run of them.. as they were on a ground base and not on a flying one. So, I thought I'd share my army with all of you. Please note that this was my first attempt.. ever.. at painting a miniature. If you have any requests on seeing close-ups of a certain regiment or model, please let me know. Hope you enjoy the pics as much as I reminisce on 4th and 5th edition games.
Nice looking army, there certainly are some very old models in there! Those were good times for warhammer. I like the scratch built terrain.
Thanks Strewart! Yes.. they are "old" models, though I prefer "classic". I have a couple other boxes of the newer style knights still on sprue yet. I also have a few knights from 5th ed. not put together yet as well as 21 other knights from 5th getting painted. Wished I had more men-at-arms. But the newer style has them a bit bigger in size than my classic set and wouldn't look right mixed. This has also been perhaps the most expensive army I've ever collected. 1 box of 3 knights of realm was $25 back then (I know it's a bit more now) let alone those metal grail knights! geeez. But.. I like my metals. Perhaps when brets get a new face lift, I may revisit them once again and collect the newer styles.
Have you thought about making some more terrain, and turning that into some sort of draw-bridge for a full-on castle/fort? At any rate, love the army; great colours. Reminds me of my friends brets circa 98, and my lizardmen/dark elves of the time.
Actually, I have LOTS more terrain specifically for my Brets - a small town with removable roofs for troop placement. I also have a nice castle (the GW fort - but textured with sand). If you would like to see pictures of them, let me know. The bridge you see in the pictures is part of the town.
I dislike the new men at arms plastics so much... The arms attach around the elbow and with weird big round joints, it doesn't end up looking great or fitting nicely and it doesnt add anything to the posability of the models. I definitely avoided them. I mostly have loads of archers (old and new), loads of knights (also old and new) and some peg knights, characters and Questing Knights. I have the same hypogryph you have as well, very nice model. I think I have seen a closeup of one of your models on a bridge in part of a town, it did indeed look good! It would add so much to battles!
I didn't know about that with the newer men-at-arms. Makes me "meh" on getting a box. Chances are, I'll probably hold out until next release for some. I am interested in seeing your Bret army, Strewart, if you have any pics of them. it sounds a lot like mine. Just last week, I uncovered my terrain box that contained my castle and some other buildings out in the garage. I got to show my daughter (she's anxiously awaiting for me to complete my Wood Elf army for her to play) them and she was excited to see a model castle. Thanks for the good comments everyone! Much appreciated.
Hmm I'll have a bit of a look, but I don't think I have any photos.. As they were my first WHFB army 8+ years ago, my painting was pretty rubbish, and they have been in a drawer for the last 5 years or so. In fact I am considering selling them now. I haven't sold any warhammer yet due to sentimental value, but I really do have too much and not a lot of room sadly.
Sure thing! I'll get some pics uploaded soon. I think I've got some physical pics in my album. Strewart - I understand. As much as I have sentimental to mine as well.. I don't think I have the heart to sell *any* of my models. Though, as it sounds, I may have a bit more storage room. I remember one time many many moons ago when I first started playing Magic: The Gathering and I had bought a starter pack (the original revised edition). We played by the rules initially and I remember losing my Wrath of God and some other rare cards.. of which now I look back and see that they are worth quite a bit in collectors circtles. This was before I got into Warhammer. Since then I decided to never again "bet" or sell any hobby stuff unless I truly no longer wanted it.
Oh man, I only once played a blind ante, and never again. Lost my prize Royal Assassin that way Anyway, eagerly anticipating your terrain photos mate.
Yeah, blind ante to me just wasn't fun. And my opponent played for keeps too. I'll get some of those pics up soon. Sorry that it's taking me a little while. I helped the family with packing for their camping trip this weekend and setting up my medieval tent.
Alright everyone. Finally got some pictures of my Bret and Orc Game Table. Caution: Pic Heavy! Enjoy!
Very nice work! I love making terrain. I just cannot find the time to do that, paint, and play. I keep telling myself that I will make terrain when I get everything painted, but I keep buying stuff to paint. Damn GW for making this plastic crack!
Thank you everyone for your comments! Much appreciated. This gameboard took a lot of work.. easy, but tedious and I'm just glad to be able to show it to other fellow gamers in hopes that what once had inspired me, others may be as well - and improve on them.
sorry to threadromance but do you have any pics of your castle which you meantioned previosly, and that board is pretty cool, im starting to make boards rather then just scenary at the moment as i think it is cool to have a theme to play on, my current one im working on is based upon the germananic/roman forrest battle with lots of muddy tracks (just big enough to fit a unit on can squeeze 2 with the clearing space either side) with llots of forrests and cliffs to overlook said tracks. played on a mock up of the board and its quite fun because rather then using standar deployemnt we devised a forest ambush scenario and it makes for quite a differant game. want to try forest villages next and interesting terrain
Thank you very much! I, too, much prefer using a decorated game board. As you say, several scenarios can be played out and it kind of brings in a sense of continuity from the table to the Warhammer world. Your theme sounds very thought out and I bet would look great! I would very much like to see your game boards when you can get a chance, even WIPS as seeing something from the ground on up can be easily followed. I will try and get some pics of my castle for you soon. Just a FYI, it's the old Warhammer Fortress in a box. - Lord Cedric
My apologies, but what an amazing thread! Really went down memory lane on this one, those are some classic models! And such a nice board to play on. Well done good sir. Long Live Bretonnia!