Hello All I have not played Lizardmen since we got them and Brettonians in the main Warhammer boxset so I have been away from the army in a while and cannot wait to strip the old models down and start to cause some saurus sized havoc amongst my gaming group. I also have a large collection of Empire which at the last list was approximately 7000 points without any magic items and have recently sold my Skaven as two Horde armies where just a drain on my pocket and on my time and paints. Look forward to your input on my posts and hopefully I can get some tactics before my first game with Lizardmen in almost 3\4 editions Ratvan\Matt
Hello and welcome to Lustria Online and back to the game! My first Warhammer purchase was that very box set which I still own and play. Looking forward to reading your first game back as 8th ed. is quite a bit different than 5th.
I know the ins and outs of the 8th edition and look forward to using my saurus and Slann to inflict some damage down at my local game club, I just have to remember that they are not as expendable as my state troopers