The giant bow is a strong weapon, i had one left over from my steggy im going to make a ground mounted one with special skink crewman, any thoughts appreciated. i will try to upload some pics!
Thought it would be cool if we had a Giant Bow, Giant Blowpipe or maybe a Stone Thrower mounted on the back of Ankylosaurus.
Stone thrower, definitely. I've brought the giant bow to battle a couple times and it's never successfully connected with the enemy. I was thinking if they made it twin linked it would be better, since bringing to regular stegadons to battle is meh. If GW catches onto your idea of having them be cheaper skink artillery pieces, that definitely makes them viable. Would love to have three skink giant bows camping on my temple.
Hey - I am actually working on something like that. Not sure if the toy I bought is ankylosaurus but is is quite close to it. I added some "cooling plates" to it (similar to stegosaurus') to make some protection for skinks as well as some sort of support for blowpipes
Idea to make giantbow without stegadon crossed my mind looong time ago, but I forgot about it. And now you returned that idea to my head... And as I had one giant bow left from my stegadon kit I started on that. It probably won't be finished in near future, but I couldn't rest without doing at least this: I want to add some decoration on the wooden and plasticard parts. Two or three skinks will make crew for this warmachine. And I'll try to find some small dinosaur to be part of the crew as well (to pull the bow similar to galloper gun (Dogs of War had that small cannon pulled by a horse)).
Interesting. I can see using the 2 or 3 skink's normal stat line for the bow. That would be a house rule item (custom item?) that I would allow in a game. It would not be over powered either.
Definitely not overpowered. Especially if you use standard rules for giantbow which are much worse than any other ballista (that justified by mounting it on stegadon in standard case, of course - moving and shooting it is really cool thing, imo ). It shouldn't be expensive - low stats for ballista and low stats of skinks are making it really easy target...