Well, it's not painted yet (and won't be for a while), but at least it's finished and ready to play (and paint when i have time). Hope you like it. Front view: Lateral view: Rear view: The other side: From above: Hammer: Well, what do you think? I know the hammer is quite big for the model, but i wanted to show that the scar-vet with great weapon has S7, and to show the reason why he hits last. So, comments and critics always welcome.
Nicely done. Yea the weapons a bit over the top, you probaly could have gotter away with a 1/2 of each of those standards, But I realy like the pose, and it kinda works for this guy, nicely done man.
Wow that looks awesome! I love the look you have achieved with it! The over the top nature really feels right with the warhammer world, its very cool. I don't know how the hell you are going to rank it up though. One small criticism, the arms don't really look bulky enough. But that would require a fair bit of GS work. I would be keen to see it painted up, so when you do get around to it make sure you post photos here.
Thanks! Yeah, i thought of making the arms bulkier, and i'll give it a try. It's not a problem to rank it in a saurus unit, as it will go in the right corner, so the hammer just gets out of the movement tray. I assure you, when i paint it, i'll post pictures, but don't expect too much, ok?
there is no kill like overkill i think its sweet though. looking forward to a painted version. I used the saurus banner as a weapon for my mounted scar vet, but i didnt go quite so far
Very dynamic pose. You can really see the potential damage that this guy will cause. It could be over the top, but I like the size of the hammer. The pose makes it look like it is heavy! That makes it believable.
It's an awesome conversion, but if I were you I would have tried to have him holding his weapon above his head kind of like that one Kroxigor model cause I have no idea how you will rank him up, unless you put him on the end i suppose.
Oh, thats HUGE indeed Looks really menacing. Althought it looks pretty overweighted it's not that weird-looking as some other conversions do. Little bit bulkier saurus would look more believable, as others said, but this guy is quite fine. The best thing is his pose - draging his hammer on the ground and waiting for one deadly strike that will solve all disputes
Yeah it's defenitly a bit unbelievable but come on it's a world of Floating Toads and Dragons so I could accept it.
You've hit the nail on the head Add scary toads capable of blowing up your mind, big armed rats running in the sewers, wild rams walking on two legs and chopping heads with great axes and giand warmamoths to that list This hammer is much more believable indeed
He just goes in the right corner so the hammer stays out. Thanks for the comments, guys, and yes, in a world of warmammoths breathing ice, dragons and super-evolved rats, the hammer is just fine