alright, i have a big problem. im trading my 2000 or so points of O&G for some more lizardmen (currently i have a battalion box and the new Saurus Old Blood) and i dont have many ideas as to what i will use as a paint-scheme for my blue bloods. I had planned to paint my Lizardmen to resemble my Crested Geckos, but that woul reuire me to be a much better painter than I am. So I scraped that idea for another scheme: at first i thought i would paint my lizardmen a dark red, using an off-white for the raised scales and spines. but i have no idea what colour to paint the underbellies of my warriors. this undecidedness has almost convinced me to paint my army blue, like the GW Lizardmen (and as a rule, i always paint my armies differently from GW's interpretations). I think that I could use some help picking a colour scheme for my lizzies. Thanks in advance for the responses: +Truthsayer+
So you want something that goes well with dark red.. A blue would work well, which would make them similar to GW but not the same. I have gone with bright red/orange scales and blue underbellies on mine, it looks good. A green would also look good, however, you may face comments that they are christmas themed. Just sticking with red and off white could work, you could try white for the bellies and red for the rest and see how that looks. Honestly, put a unit together and test out a few colour schemes on them. It is the best way to find something you like, and to see how it will look before commiting to painting your whole army like it.
i have an (old old) unit of saurus that i painted dark red. i gave them black (very lightly drybrushed with bleached bone) scales and bole colored bellies. they look pretty cool