Hello, I have mentioned few times that I would be posting some pictures of my army here. Well the time has finally come. Unfortunately I don't have any good equipment so the pictures might not be that good. I tried to save them by enhancing the lighting and colours afterwards. Here it goes: First up my trustworthy Slann, which as it seems have suffered a bit battle damage to the horns.: Continuing the character cast, my one out of two mounted scar-veterans. This one is with HW, the other currently unpainted wields halberd/great weapon.: More scar-veterans. This time on foot. The head is from old Malus Darkblade's cold one and the weapons is selfmade. Don't remember running these in the battlefield since 6th edition though...: First core unit. 30 saurus warriors with hand weapons and two unit fillers. Unfortunately the fillers and 4/5 of the back rank are still unpainted. I also have one 24 strong unit with spears but they are also not done yet. Notice that I have only used the "sword-like" weapons on these.: Skrox. Still need to paint the standard bearer. Love these in game. Have another similiar unit which has only the kroxigors painted so no pictures of that this time.: Skirmishers, also have similiar unit just with green head instead yellow to distinct them from one another.: Terradon riders. I have six in total but two unpainted. Usually run only four so I haven't had the need to paint more.: Cold-One riders. These are the newest addition to my painted force. I like how they turned out.: Baby stegadon. The scales have a hint of green highlight in them: Older brother. I made the scales red this time. I think I like this more but can't be bothered to change the other scales. The howdah was a pain in the bottom to paint. I don't know if I have ever painted anything so boring and dull. Maybe that's why it is a bit hastily done.: Last but no way the least my salamanders. I usually just play two of these. Would have a third but then again we usually play with somekind of comped games which only allow one unit of these and three in one unit is too much points in my opinion. Many of them still lack the flock from the bases which I will be adding at some point. But I think I will be painting the whole 3000 point force to the upcoming tournament first before touching any more on those bases. Also as you have noticed I use plain sheets of metal as my movement trays. All the models are magnetized so they can be easily moved in the battlefield. The magnetizing greatly improves the carrying capabilities of these units in my case. Comments and criticism are welcome! BR Agrem
Nice work. I really like the shields. The purple really pops and is a good contrast to the overall color scheme.
Very interesting color scheme, didn't think i would like the brown, yellow, and red scheme... But the Purple shields make for an excelent contrast and make the whole thing work.
I like them Agrem, also, brilliant idea on the unit fillers, I'm definately not going to use all the cold one cav in my 2nd battalion box so I can surely make a couple of mounted guys in the to take up space. Though I'd have to make sure everyone knows they are definately not a scarvet on cold one tacked on the side of the unit... hmmm.
very fine work! i love the purple on the shields. contrast very nicely with the skin. i die a little inside every time i see a standard blue LM army, but i get invigorated by unique schemes like this. great job!
ROTFL! Agrem, nice figures and I love the way the Cold One unit filler looks - you placed him well so that his head is turned to the front of the unit - very convincing!
I talked a little about your army on my blog, hope you don't mind!!!! It's in french but hey, I'm only saying good things .
Hello, and thanks everyone for the compliments. I am actually quite pleased how the cold-one filler turned out. I'll be adding a shield to him once I get the other parts painted first. I can't really say the same about the other filler. It takes up two bases and has a saurus with a spear stomping on a skeleton. But I ran out of saurus models and didn't feel like buying another box just to get one more saurus. Also I would have liked to use same kind of weapon as the rest of the unit but I ran out of those also. @nuklearangel: the unit filler is made on 50x50 base so it is very distinguishable from any scar-veterans by it's base size. @SeBM: no problem at all. It's only nice to get positive feedback. BR Agrem