Hi, I am a long time orc player, (yeah also goblins but in true orc fashion i dont care about them). For roughly 20 years that has been my only army. Only quite recently i started a little high elf force as a side project (the iob set plus some extras). But....i have been offered a pretty decent lizzy army at a very very very rediculously friendly price. Really too good to reject. I always liked the look of lizzy armies but they never were high on my list as i allready have a green army. Lizardmen is also the only army i have never played against so i absolutely know nothing about them. So since i really dont have the time to work on three armies i have to decide wether i continue with elves or lizzies. so i have come here to make up my mind, and do some reading. is there a tactics overview thread somewhere? thx bork
WELCOME TO lUSTRIA, Congrats on your windfall purchase. I think there is one stickied in the Tactics section. -N810
Welcome to the scaly side. We are a little biased here but Lizardmen is the way to go. I also started a high elf project with the IOB and they are fun to play (going first is a nice change) the HE are very unforgiving to mistakes. Lizardmen are just rock solid with awesome dinosaurs.
Awesome to have you here, a 20 year WH veteran is a rare thing in my part of the woods (I've been playing since 4th edition came out). BTW, you do not have to paint your lizzies green. You should find everything you're looking for on this forum.
thx for the welcome found the tactics bit. And yeah my lizzies probably wont turn out green, but may get a desert theme. That's cause veterans dont hang out in woods anymore. I guess you never heard of the vet lounge, with the cigars, wiskeys and sexy nurse with aed on standby. I have to admit though that there are people who manage to play more battles in a year then i did in twenty..