Ok here's the start of painting my lizards that I have had for years and just now started to get into getting them painted. I only have a few pictures to start but please comment and any advice would be awesome Thanks Salamance Slann Conversion Sorry about the big pictures
Here's another conversion in my army. I saw this conversion in an old chronicles an decided to make my own version. Always open to improving the model as well
That looks good! Nice conversion, good to see the old slann model come to use. The only thing that bothers me is the overhand (made of gw base), what material is it supposed to be made of? Stone, gold, cloth? I would work on making it looking more as a part of the model and less like and GW base. Keep up the good work!
Got any suggestions on improving the over hang. Was trying to make it detachable for BSB depending on my army list and maybe adding a another banner that looks like a more battle standard got a spare Slann standard or 6th edition TG/SC banner
I have a friend who gets weird ideas all the time. either they are "strokes of genius" or just plain "strokes". in my opinion, this slann is a stroke. I like the creativity, but i think that the extra floor added is wrong for fluff reasons (who would dare sit higher than the mighty slann!?) and also for aesthetic reasons, since it destroys the balance of the model. I like the salamander much better, even if it is very unrealistic (it doenst have to be realistic in warhammer FANTASY battles), but i think it is a mistake to try the same idea with a slann. Naturally, you shouldnt value what i say more than what you think, but you asked for comments and that is mine.
I think the overhang could work, but it need some work. I would put down the skink on the base of the slann. Leading the way, showing the plaque. Then I would cover the 'over hang' base in greenstuff and adjust it to get an uneven more stone like surface. I would then carve in idols along the side of the over hang and maybe an big idol on the top. And last but not least model som vines to cover it, maybe a small lizard. One problem with the over hang, I think, is that it's bit wide, making the model look top heavy and taking away focus from the slann. I don't think it should be much wider than the base of the throne. That's just my 2 cents, I hope you find a good solution! Keep up the good work! EDIT: Take a look how this guy has made his slann base: http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=3645&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=10
I'll look into that but also made the overhang detachable so it's not set in stone and easier to paint. I think I may move the drummer to the base and just attach a banner to the back of the throne. I work midnights so my time is some what limited towards anything. I'll play with both then post pictures of both ideas Thanks for the comments
although you got a point there, i personally dont mind this. And besides the skinks on the terradons sit even higher. Anyway i like the idea (a lot actually), but as others have allready said the roof thingy needs a little bit of work. As toads usually have to get out of the sun and keep their skin wet, perhaps you need to turn it into a sun roof, with curtains. Something like this perhaps. That should not be to hard with some greenstuff. oh, and if you dont like curtain like stuff, perhaps overhanging jungle plants?
Heres is my newest conversion project I have been working on. Here are 6 completed stands still sculpting the last three should be done tomorrow and everything painted up Any comments welcome and trying to come up with a color scheme for the terradons. I have 3 terradosnof each from 5th, 6th, and 8th editions