I have set my mind on sculpting my own slann! Since i don't really like the pose on the original slann, and its quite expensive, and my pockets and so deep ATM. anyway, I'm used to sculpt, i sculpt a lot, in medias like wood, plaster and clay. I have only tried sculpting in green stuff once, and i never finished that sculpt :S No do you guys have any tips for a "first-time-gs" sculptor? I would also love some measurements of the original slann, of the frog itself and on the palanquin. Thnx for help!
I would say, don't sculp in greenstuff. Great for small details but I think it would be awful for a big model. It's so sticky! Do it in super sculpey instead: http://www.sculpey.com/products/clays/super-sculpey It's great! Very responsive and firm, and it doesn't harden till you bake it in the oven (with minimal to none shrinking). This is good since you can work on your model on a longer period of time. Here is a bust I've made out of Super S: Make your pose in wireframe and build up your model from that. Later on you can go in and add details with greenstuff and pieces from your bit box. That's just my thoughts. Good luck!
Thnx for the tips, yeah GS is a bit sticky, maybe I'll sculpt it in some other media. I've heard some ppl like to sculpt in FIMO-clay, any input on that? anyone tried it?
I use apoxie sculpt for my base work. Over a core of aluminium foil. Then greenstuff on top for detail. Use water/spit to lube your sculpt tool for the detail work.
core of aluminum foil, that was smart I was planning to use a marble or something, but foil sound better!
since a slann is basically a big blob with a face on it, you may want to take a look at some of the mangler squigs sculpts at da-warpath, because manglers are basically a big blob with teeth. if you are interested i ll try to find some links for ya
Worked with it a little long time ago, one thing to keep in mind is that you have to bake it in the oven to cure it, also it shrinks like 10%-20% after it's baked. Ps. I saw a few sculptors use pebles to fill in the center of their sculpts, also consider bits of whire ti reinfirce ant bit tht might stick off of you model, like arms, legs, ect...
This is why super sculpey is preferable, it doesn't shrink at all when you bake. You can buy it from here http://www.artistica.nu/ (swedish), not that expensive imo. This is the stuff professionals use when they make concept models, props, stop motion puppets etc. I can't stress enough how good this stuff is! http://www.wikihow.com/Sculpt-Using-Polymer-Clay
Ah now when theres a Swedish page to order it from it became more tempting especially when my mother orders from that page at her work (works in a hobby-store). gonna check it out!
:O sounds amazing! Do you do anything spec to keep it from shrinking? you just turn my day around after a horrible loss against dark elfs.
nope... Shrinkage just doesnt happen when I do fimo sculpting I never tried super sculpey maybe it's an even better medium to sculpt...
think I'll try with fimo and see what happens, gonna do details in gs anyway, so some shrinkage will be OK.
hi, i have tried to find that mangler squig face tutorial which i had in my mind, but i cant find it anymore
Its fine, I've found some nice 360degrees pics of a slann.. donät really know about the palanquin thou.. would love some nice pics of just the palanquin. Maybe some measurements?