Old Schooler New to Lizzies

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by T`hinker`er, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. nuklearangel

    nuklearangel Member

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    That wire looks like the trick for that kind of work. Excellent so far, thanks for showing the early wip! Cool idea too :)
  2. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Thanks for the comments and inspiration folks! I'm having a bit of fun with this one to be sure :D

    What I've been working on over the weekend is animating the fingers the way I want them, then locking them into that position by covering them with putty, forming a palm and texturing tendons into the back of the hands. The use of the twisted wire has indeed proven itself to be a good solution for the fingers.

    Once the hands were done to the correct size and shape, I added a bit of putty to form the masses of the forearms and upper arms. These masses perform two important functions: (1) holding the wire armature in place and (2) giving me a solid surface to work on so that I can add the muscles, skin and scales - details that are coming up soon.

    While the arms are curing, I've taken a few more WIP photos:

    MusicianNo2004-1a.jpg MusicianNo2005-1a.jpg

    Things are still a bit rough at this stage, but I am just focused on getting the proportions correct. Surface texture will come later.

    You may have noticed that it was necessary to position this mini's head a bit higher up on the torso than a typical saurus due to the length of the instrument (even after cutting off the top of the charm and using a file to reshape the mouth piece). In order to blend the head and torso naturally I'm reworking the anatomy a bit on his upper back and behind the head:

    MusicianNo2007-1a.jpg MusicianNo2006-1a.jpg

    Not entirely pleased with this...I am going to try reworking it just to see what else I can come up with. I know it will hurt to destroy part of my work, but IMO, there is no more important principal in sculpting! If I can be allowed to step on my soapbox for a second ("ahem"), I firmly believe that anything I make can be made again just as well, if not better. You should never be afraid to take risks, cut into your work, throw stuff away and even start over again from scratch. When you give in to fear, you start to believe that anything good you make is just the result of dumb luck, and you stop improving :pompus:

    Unfortunately, because of the way pages "break" in this forum, it's a little hard to compare these photos to the last batch...but hopefully you can still follow what I'm doing and will continue to find this helpful and interesting :)
  3. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    i understand why you had to reposition the head like that, but it does look a bit weird to me. however, i do LOVE the hands. man you really have a talent for the fine detail work! very impressive! how thick is the wire you used as scaffolding?
  4. Sikeron

    Sikeron Member

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    I got the point concerning casting at the TROLL FORGE... hopefully I'll be able to order them soon :D

    And I really like the musican you're doing... very imaginative... the right arm is really cool... well defined...
  5. FavoredoftheOldOnes

    FavoredoftheOldOnes Member

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    Not entirely pleased with this...I am going to try reworking it just to see what else I can come up with. I know it will hurt to destroy part of my work, but IMO, there is no more important principal in sculpting! If I can be allowed to step on my soapbox for a second ("ahem"), I firmly believe that anything I make can be made again just as well, if not better. You should never be afraid to take risks, cut into your work, throw stuff away and even start over again from scratch. When you give in to fear, you start to believe that anything good you make is just the result of dumb luck, and you stop improving :pompus:

    Unfortunately, because of the way pages "break" in this forum, it's a little hard to compare these photos to the last batch...but hopefully you can still follow what I'm doing and will continue to find this helpful and interesting :)[/quote]

    So does this mean the new one is gonna be rocking an electric guitar!!!!?

    Attached Files:

  6. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    So I went and resculpted the back of his neck to make his head blend into the torso better, and now he just seems like a slightly taller-than-average Saurus...with more delacate hands and some other talents, no doubt...or so the lady Sauri say! :D

    Here are the final shots, which are as good as they can be until I get my camera back (next Friday!):

    MusicianNo2010.jpg MusicianNo2013.jpg MusicianNo2011.jpg MusicianNo2012.jpg

    I think I'm done now with this musician, unless I've really missed something. The jewelry looks better in real life than these photos show, but until I get it painted and put a wash into the crevices you'll have to take my word for it. Other things I did are finalizing the musculature on the arms, smoothing out any errors on the hands, forming lips around the mouthpiece and adding those Dizzy Gillespie cheeks ;)

    I pretty much used a different color of putty at each step of the way, so you can really see what was done at each step and how everything fits together. I went overboard on the shoulder musculature, as usual, and was really sad to have to cover it up...but it really didn't look right to leave it uncovered by scales next to the rest of the guys in the unit. I did take a couple quick photos of the shoulders before the scales went on, just so I'd have something to reminisce over... :rolleyes:

    MusicianNo2008.jpg MusicianNo2009.jpg

    P.S., Tsunami, I don't know the thickness of the wire as the paper label on the spool came off years ago, but it's very thin indeed - thinner than a Saurus' finger :) I have a couple spools in varying thicknesses (this being the thinnest) and they are all big enough that for miniature work I can't imagine ever running out.

    P.P.S., Favored, no plans currently for an electric guitar saurus, although I was thinking about doing an upright bass at some point as well as some other jazz instruments for a Games Day diorama. We shall see...
  7. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Absolutely love it T'hinker'er. Between this guy and your krox with a club, you may have inspired me to have a crack at my own sculpting. The detailing on the tendons of the chest looks spot on. Guess you're glad you re-made the little fella.
    His cheeks are brilliant, too :D
  8. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    The muscles on this guy is great!

    Personally I've never been a fan of funky/funny musicians that seems so popular in warhammer armies, but I do admire your craftsmanship in this sculpt.
  9. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    haha. love the puffed up cheeks :D

    just as totzro said, i am not a huge fan of the "funny" stuff either, and i would never do anything similar myself, but it IS a really cool piece of work. gotta admire both the skill and imagination required :)
  10. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Funny? FUNNY? There's nothing funny about this guy - he's playing a requiem for all the dead elves and dwarfs I've left in my wake during the current campaign!

    BTW, I checked against my mirco drill bits and it seems that the wire on the fingers was 30 gauge. Hope that helps!

    ...."And now for something completely different" -

    Do any of you recall my chameleon conversions? This is going back a while, so here's a link: http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/old-schooler-new-to-lizzies.5025/

    Well, I finally have them painted, so I thought I'd show off some pictures:



    Sorry about the blurry photos! Unfortunately I do not have access to a good camera at the moment, but I snapped these pictures with my Droid phone. Any way, I was going for something striking, but also naturalistic and found some great reference photos of actual chameleons for inspiration. I actually like mine a lot more than the GW one that I have (included in the photos above for reference), but I need 2 units FAST, so no time to be picky, I have to use everything I have. I am inspired however to make some more now, and I plan to make the conversions on the next batch even more dynamic than these, as despite the use of different plastic arms at different angles, they all look a bit too similar to me.

    Of course I also need to get back to my Saurus Spear and my Krox sculpts...but I'm going out of town for the weekend to celebrate my engagement on Tuesday to my most awesome girlfriend (whoopie!), so no sculpting for me this weekend ;)
  11. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    wow! they look great!

    very nice choice of colors. a bit unusual, and thats what makes it stand out. i must say you really transformed the original models to look like chameleons. top notch as always :)
  12. SeBM

    SeBM New Member

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    Those chameleon skinks look really good!!! I'm still not done converting mine (they will be somewhat similar) but I really like what you did with the eyes.

    Also, congratulations on the engagement!!!
  13. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    those converted Chamelions look just like the metal ones. :)
  14. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    Very fine looking chameleons you got there!
  15. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Thanks guys, coming off a weekend of celebrating, and daylight savings time, so I'm a little out of it right now, but here is my latest addition to the new command group, to go along with the Saurinette player, a standard bearer for the new spear unit. You may recognize the standard as being one of the choices from the CoC box, which I have cut and repositioned so that it hangs downward as opposed to streaming back:

    StandardNo2001.jpg StandardNo2002.jpg

    The other thing necessary to make this miniature is to completely remove the Saurus' left arm, as I don't want him to just be holding a shield. This involves some carving away at the body. I'll have his left arm sculpted and more photos to post soon!

    P.S., I'm not sure why these photos are so large - I did try to reduce them on Photobucket...frankly that site is slow and the interface is annoying! :rage:
  16. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    I use photoscape, since it is free. it is also easy to adjust size and white balance in it. donno what photo program you use. i wouldnt use photobucket to actually manipulate photos (can you even do that? :D)

    anyway. looks exciting as usual :p
  17. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    I only used Photobucket this one time because my computer was crashing today and I couldn't do it "locally" - anyway, hopefully this will be resolved for the future. Also working on a unit champion but no photos of that yet. This new unit is going to rock, I just hope it can fight :)
  18. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Actualy this site will try and fit to screen any photos linked to it.
  19. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Yep, that's true for width, but these were exceptionally tall because the mini is a standard bearer. Anyway, I think I figured it out now and the photos should be appearing on your screen side by side and large enough to show details, but not so large as to be obnoxious o_O
  20. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    That looks good so far, great idea for the banner! Nice work.

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