Tlaxtlan army to show off

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by neveroddoreven, Nov 8, 2011.

  1. neveroddoreven
    Temple Guard

    neveroddoreven Well-Known Member

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    New guy here, long time lurker, etc. etc.
    I've been recently convinced to show some pictures of my army (so far).

    I'm running a heavily narrative driven campaign, and based my army on Tlaxtlan - the city of the moon, giving the lizards a strong nocturnal theme. I chose a predominant purple skin colour, taking reference from pictures of the night sky and sunsets to counter the sky-blue theme of Games Workshop's studio army.

    I used to do the hobby in my teens, and when I started up again this Febuary I realised I had lost all my old painting skills. It's been a lot of hard work to regain them, and I think I have now well surpassed what I thought I could do.
    However, that's not for me to judge, so on with the pictures already!

    Here's some examples of different spawnings of skinks. I use different colours for tails, scales and crests for different units. It's fun to add extra splashes of colour for variety, while still retaining the purple 'uniform'.

    My saurus have orange rings around their eyes to make them look more fierce. Is it warpaint, or is it natural? who knows. I was inspired by crocodile skinks (Triblonotus gracilis).

    My mixed unit of kroxigors and skinks is my favourite to play with. I just bought a third, and enough skinks to make it a horde!

    One of the rules of our campaign states that when a lord or hero dies, they can't be used in a future game. These two are dead. The chief, Tincto died in his first game! Good job he only took a couple of hours to paint.

    I spent all year making these cavalry models (6 in total), and they were run down after fleeing from Empire state troops in their first game. I've never had Saurus flee! They didn't cause a single wound either, grr. They look quite nice though.

    I was so used to painting exotic colour schemes I had to force myself to tone it down a little when it came to the Stegadon. I went for a plain green.

    With the rest of the army so dark in tone, I made my Slann a lot brighter to stand out. His pale skin is suitably moon-like. I also like the jade armour of the temple guard.

    My general. I saw an image in my head and just did it. I don't get proud at much, but I love this thing. I gave the oldblood an igaunid appearance, with a long tail and a dewlap under his chin. He's converted from a daemon model, and I prefer the riding pose better to Kroq Gar's 'bucking bronco' style.
    I tried to give him a more controlled disposition. He's so calm a butterfly has alighted on his weapon, and the carnosaur has a prowling, predatory feel to it.
    For the carnosaur's colour I went for a tiger/baby alligator combo.

    I entered him into Golden Demon this year, where he made it to the final round....

    ...and this one did'nt make it past the first. I found it strange that my gaming piece did well, yet a diorama I made especially for the competition didn't. It was a great day, a huge ego boost.

    I have more pictures up my sleeve for another time.
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Welcome to Lustria Online! Glad you decided to sign up.

    You have a very impressive looking army, great work! I really like the stripes on the skink tails, and the use of warpaint. Also that carnosaur looks fantastic! Very cool idea.
  3. nuklearangel

    nuklearangel Member

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    Your paint is impressive indeed, I really love your colour scheme. I'd never had thought that you could use a Bloodletter as a Saurus, but it totally works. You mustve had to do a lot of work on that Carnosaur model, but it's one of the best I've seen.
  4. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Stunning. Thanks for posting mate, every model an inspiration. I really dig the skink tail stripes, and the way the kroxigor's purple and green skin tones somehow come together. Those cold ones are really well converted, too. Great ideas for that carnosaur model. His headdress especially is really well executed. What's his weapon from?
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

    Warden likes this.
  6. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    I'm curious, did you model a tail for the old blood completely, or did you use a saurus tail and extend it?
  7. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    great looking stuff you got there!

    The different skink spawnings are very cool, and i love the coloring on the sauruses. very menacing :)

    The skin color of the kroxigors is just brilliant! how did you do it?

    The jade/purple contrast on the TGs is probably the only thing is didnt enjoy super much. I get where you are going, making them stand out, but i think they would have looked better with gold armour and jade only on the weapons. but hey, thats just me :p

    The old blood is absolutely splendid! incredible colors and a very nice conversion as well. It is based on a blood crusher, right? i was thinking about using one of those for my mounted scar veteran, but changed my mind and went with a normal cold one rider as basis. Great to see that the bloodcrusher idea would have looked splendid too :D i really like his unique apperance and the neck of the carnosaur? did you elongate that to make it look more vulture like? brilliant :) Only thing i could complain about would be that his saddle looks really uncomfortable :D

    Clearly one of the best LM armies i have ever seen. I tip my hat to you sir :)
    Warden likes this.
  8. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    That's a fantastic looking army!
    I Am curious how you painted your jade as me myself is using quite a lot jade in my army.

    Ps. Is it possible to get a full army shot?
  9. borkbork

    borkbork Active Member

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    wow, great stuff.

    those Korxs are fantastic. Especially the one on the left almost looks 'real'

    and where did you get those cold one (raptor) models from?
  10. SeBM

    SeBM New Member

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    There a lot of cool stuff in your army, you'll definitely be making an appearance in my blog if you don't mind (see my signature).
  11. neveroddoreven
    Temple Guard

    neveroddoreven Well-Known Member

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    Wow, what a warm welcome!

    The carnosaur was indeed a lot of work, but for all the wrong reasons. I got it on the day it was released as finecast and it was a mess. It had no teeth or spikes, a missing knee, and Kroq Gar himself is just unusable. On top of that, the rear end of the body had shrunk too. All those years I wasn't in the hobby I spent sculpting, so I knew I could fix it.
    I boiled the tail piece and straightened it out a bit, and popped off his head and made a new neck too. The oldblood's tail, back, dewlap, saddle and headdress are all sculpted. His weapon was made by adding a saurus spear to the daemon's handle. I like to put magic items on the models and based this one on the piranha blade (it's piranha-shaped too).

    The kroxigor skin was super easy. The one on the left is tallarn flesh washed with purple then highlighted. The other one is the same but with khemri brown.

    The jade was not my idea. I got it from the Warhammer rulebook, in the Lizardmen gallery section, there's a really dark skinned temple guard with it.
    To paint it I did dark angels green as a basecoat, mixed with hawk turqouise for the midtone, added space wolves grey to the mix to highlight, then drybrushed it with space wolves grey on it's own. I then coated it generously with gloss varnish to make it look glassy and transparent.

    The cold ones are from the Dark Elf knights set. I sculpted each an individual collar design.

    SeBM - If you include me in your blog, make sure I'm credited. I've had my work ripped off before and I don't like it.

    Here's another photo before I go;
    The Orchid Eaters. Their colour scheme is a nod back to when I was 17, and started an army all in this colour. Pink saurus anyone? Yuck.
  12. eppe

    eppe Member

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    Love them all.
  13. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    Wow! Very nice work. I especially like the colors of your cold ones. So much cool stuff in your army. Doesn't seem that anyone mentioned it so far, but maybe the coolest thing in your army is your slann. It really enforces your color theme and the idea of the night sky. Really drives it home and makes it really feel like it's not just your color scheme, but your underlining theme for your army. Real cool. Great idea. Really nice touch.

    I'd like to see how some close ups of some of those Temple gaurd if you don't mind. I'm really really new to the game and have a dart frog (blue, orange) theme for my skinks and so for contrast I have always planned on making their sheilds green and the jav tips made of jade. I can't really get the jade at all. I did recently get a receipe for jade that I think looks perfect (Totzro's paintlog). But if you don't mind I'd like to see yours a little closer up. And possily try and use your receipe.
  14. Naiilo

    Naiilo New Member

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    Beautiful work man. Though I must ask what paint you used on your cold ones...I want to steal that scheme for mine =P
  15. Iggy Koopa
    Chameleon Skink

    Iggy Koopa New Member

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    Wow! Nice work on everything and awesome job on the conversion work throughout. This is what a Lizardmen army is supposed to look like, nice choice of colors and the conversions really drive home what you're going for.

    Just curious, where did you enter your OB/Carn? Was it at this year's Chicago Games Day? I was there and am sure I would remember something as amazing as your work. Just wondering. Thanks.
  16. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Wow, great work, really stunning colors that all compliment and contrast in all the right ways and near flawless blending and detailing techniques. I only wish we had some WIP photos of the sculpting to go with it. Maybe you have some that you can add? Maybe some close-ups too? Keep it coming :)

    I take it that this is one of your opponents: ?
  17. The Red Devil

    The Red Devil Defender of Hexoatl Staff Member

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    Simply amazing. I love the carnosaur mod :)

    You got some real talent!
  18. SeBM

    SeBM New Member

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    Don't worry, if you look at my blog, I always include the painter's name and a link to his/her paintlog or personnal blog. I would never take credit for anyone else's stuff but I know some people would so I totally understand, which is why when I can, I ask people if it's ok to post their stuff on my blog :D.
  19. neveroddoreven
    Temple Guard

    neveroddoreven Well-Known Member

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    I entered the Carnosaur at the UK Games Day.
    I'll try to get some shots of the temple guard when I can get hold of a camera again (I should get my own really).

    You asked for some 'in-progress' pics, so here goes;

    Tetto Eko. I love this character, he's perfect for my army. The only reference picture I have to sculpt by is the tiny silhouette in the army book. There's a lot to say about this one, but I'll wait until he's done for that.
    He's made entirely from scratch from Milliput and the grey variety of kneadatite (what Games Workshop calls 'Green Stuff')
    I've delibrately kept myself from looking at it for months, so I can return to it with a fresh perspective. Those hands need to be redone.

    Tetto Eko's Skink Guard. These are fun, essentialy skink-flavoured temple guard.
    An inprogress unit filler;

    It seems the internet is a small place, T`hinker`er. That is indeed my opponent. Here's a picture taken on turn 3 of our last battle (I lost as usual);

    SeBM - Sure, you can use some pics in your blog.
  20. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    It makes me sad to read things like this. GW screwed up badly with the QC on their resin range, if people get rubbish sculpts they should return them and get better ones. Everyone bad cast not returned is another 'success' in GW books, which means they can claim a better % of good stuff than there actually is and not work to fix the fundamental problems. Still, to each his own I guess. I have not and will not touch GW resin until all the problems are fixed, and given the Eavy Metal team has painted miscast necrons to display I guess that won't happen any time soon.

    Cool looking start to a conversion, I'm interested to see that complete! And the Orchid Eaters look great. You normally lose your battles? How come? LM are very powerful these days.

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