Seasonal Hobbython feeler

Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by brokbrok, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. brokbrok
    Cold One

    brokbrok New Member

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    My Christmas vacation time is coming up, from the 19th through to the new year. Some time during that vacation I'd like to have a 24 hour marathon conducted over teamspeak and one of those camera programs Cranberry is fond of.

    This thread is to get a general feel for peoples interest and availability. Obviously it shouldn't be on the holidays themselves, or preferably within a day of it either. I am hoping it's on a week day as opposed to a weekend as well, but that depends on peoples availability.

    What this is, in case you've never done it before, is hobbying with other people for a long period of time. The endurance test brings out the best in people as you get the 4am sense of humor that everyone enjoys, as well as hearing people mentally break down as they become jacked up on redbull and benadryl.

    You don't necessarily need to be painting, it could be modeling, sculpting, making terrain, even playing games, so long as it's hobby related. We could also shoot the poop watching Netflix movies together, like MST3k Godzilla. Neither would it really be 24 hours, more like noon (to give people time to wake up and run errands) to a decent morning hour when the sun is good and up at (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada) time.

    When I would like to do this is
    Dec 21 2011
    Noon - 7 AM
    (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

    If this would work for you, say cool. If not, propose a reasonable counter offer. It's impossible to make everyone happy, but if more people have off the week of Christmas instead of before, they maybe the 28th is the ideal date. Won't know unless you post.

    I'm also going to try and bring in the other forum I frequent, which has an active core of extremely talented modelers and painters.

    Lastly, just to reiterate, this isn't the announcement thread, it's just to gauge interest and timing. If there is enough of it, the announcement thread will come later.

  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    And we have done a 24 hour challenge here before which was great fun, there are still threads and a subforum in the painting section. I'd be happy to help with making stickies or whatever is needed if it goes ahead.

    I highly doubt I will have time to paint for 24 hours either just before or just after christmas unfortunately. But I would certainly be interested in getting involved for at least some of the time. And my gaming group is actually planning to have a full 24 hour painting challenge sometime in january so ithis would be a good buildup for that.
  3. brokbrok
    Cold One

    brokbrok New Member

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    Wasn't much interest in this, only got a couple hits. Regardless, when you guys are hobbying, feel free to drop by and hang out click on Live and you can find teamspeak info there. People mostly play tribal wars on it now, but they're all still hobbyists so you can feel free to chime in with a subject change and they're all friendly people.

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