Blog Lord Pacha-Kamak's army - My painting log (new WIP pictures)

Discussion in 'Personal Paint Logs' started by SeBM, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. SeBM

    SeBM New Member

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    I'll explain how I did it (I'm not a great painter by any means) and if you need more then explanations, I'll try to post a picture.

    1) 1st of all, you need to use watered down paint for this kind of job. If it's too thick, it won't work. I use a homemade wet palette to do this.

    2) Now, you need to imagine every part of the fin as a triangle. In between the ''tendons'' or ''bones'' of the fin, you have the crestlike part to paint. Start by painting your triangle Scab Red and washing it with the red wash.

    3) Now mix in some blood red and paint a smaller triangle. It should leave the edges near the back of the salamander darker but both triangles should share the same base.

    4) Now, add in some orange and reduce your triangle once more. Keep adding orange to the mix and painting triangles until you are satisfied.

    I'm not sure that my explanations are particularly clear, since english is not my native language, I'm finding it hard to find the exact words. If you need a picture or anything, let me know,

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