8th Ed. Conspicuous Lack of Sea Monsters in 8th edition-Water dinos?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Scalenex, Feb 11, 2012.

  1. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    the big red book stipulates rules for Sea Creature on page 75. I'm fairly certain there is no unit in any army book with this rule, nor are their FAQ putting it in an older "current" army book, nor does anything int eh Storm of Magic book have it. I don't think GW would have put that in the main book if they didn't plan to use it. Also they PROBABLY intend to have sea creatures in at least two army lists, otherwise they would leave as a rule in an army book, the BRB doesn't have Animosity or Cold-Blooded in it after all.

    Dark elves are the front runner for getting a sea creature. They have enslaved leviathons in their fluff. High Elves have a lot of the same things DEs have and they are a big sea faring people so they are likely to get a Sea Creature of some kind in eighth. I think LM are THIRD most likely army to get a 8th ed sea creature.

    8th ed releases seem to be more about new units rather than revamps of old models. The new units are biased towards large monsters. LM already have lots of big monsters covering most major niches, but we don't have a water dinosaur. LM have a giant river going through the middle of their territory. LM also could use a fluff justification for moving troops across the seas to recover lost artifacts in the Old World. Riding on the back of giant dinos might work because GW writers don't like to give LM boats.
  2. Maazie
    Cold One

    Maazie Member

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    Re: Conspicuous Lack of Sea Monsters in 8th edition-Water di


    They are OBVIOUSLY releasing an entire army of Sea Creatures! How did we not realize this?!

    ... But seriously, I also was wondering about that. Weird.
  3. Guardian of Hexoatl
    Temple Guard

    Guardian of Hexoatl New Member

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    Re: Conspicuous Lack of Sea Monsters in 8th edition-Water di

    Oh my gosh lol I would love a plesiosaur-like aquatic monster! :D

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