Do you guys know anything about future releases conserning lizardmen plastic models? I'd really like to see a new slann, character, salemander and terradon...
Probably not til our new armybook come (god knows when). How popular is Lizardmen anyway. I think it's very sad that you have to order the metal products from GW directly. And something else I find very weird the other day. They don't send out the new finecast oldbloods to the stores. What's up with that? How should anyone get interested in collecting lizardmen if you can't find any of the cool models in the store. Stupidity!
It appears on the GW website that the other two old-school scar veterans are now finecast to although I never saw their release.
One of them was converted to finecast in the first wave release I believe. the other around October or so.
Haha fat chance of that! Although that would be incredibly awesome. All I can really ask for when we get an update is a new book, plastic kroxigors, terradons, salamanders and razordons. In the very least, make the salamanders and razordons into finecast.
Personally I'd like to see some multipart plastic characters aswell. Like the one Orcs and High Elves have, they have so many nice bits and with the leftovers you can do cool champions and such.
I think we need some new plastic models too. I don't know if 3-4 new units to the army would be cool, because than they would just weaken our other stuff, exactly like what they did with our kroxigor when the new book came out. Turn our metal models into plastic, and give the better stats and rules, with out a point increase. But than again I'm thinking like a gamer. Maybe 1-2 new units no more.
I'm predicting plastic Kroxigor and Temple Guard. I'm also predicint a new (plastic) large dinosaur we don't really need and won't be that useful but will look neat. I am also predicting we will be among the last armies to get new models and rules.
Terradons would be cool, I really like the current Krox right now even if they are still metal. How about... a Saurus hero armed with something other then sword and shield?! We have three of the bloody things...
Agreed, I'm betting on a new chariot base and something on that enormous base the Zombie Dragon/Terrorghiest is on, would love to see our Carno go to it actually since they seem to be phasing out alot of the 50mm bases. And hopefully some kind of Skink Priest/Chief Lords that arnt special characters I REALLY want a skink with 100 pts worth of items, not to mention a worthwhile caster that isn't a slann..... *Hides from the hail of javelins and darts....Not to mention giant bow bolts*