Does anyone know of a good way to convert the old skink archers? I've been using them for my skink cohorts since they rank up so much nicer than the new models do. I was thinking I could just glue a shield on them and pretend that the quiver is a pack of javelins and the bows are their beating sticks (hand weapons), but that's not too exciting. So yeah, any thoughts? I'm sure this isn't the first time someone has tried this.
Well at the risk of sounding really nerdy you could ad blades to the bow and make it look like one of those Klingnon fighting weapons! Not very lizardmen but the Old Ones did come from outer space...
Yea I did a few I carved off the arrows and converted some of the bows to knives, replaced the weapon, added a shield, and added a javelin into the quiver. Ps. link to pics in my blog link below.
@ Omar Ha, that's not a bad idea. Fortunately you saved yourself from being SUPER nerdy because you didn't know the proper name for their weapons @ n810 Just flew through your paint log. Very nice conversions on the skinks. Actually, very nice conversions on everything. I'm going to have to start following your paint log. I like the idea of sticking a javelin in their quiver.