The Dragon of Dragons - Cang!

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by strewart, Feb 21, 2012.

  1. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    That thing is truly massive! Gonna take up much space on the gaming table
  2. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    That dragon looks awesome. I wish GW could make a nice dragon like that, I've been collecting for 15 years and I'm still waiting for them to make a decent dragon model.

    I wonder if I could fit that bad boy onto a chariot sized base by modifying the scenic base :D

    Maybe the new Fenrisian Wolf models?

    They might be a bit small, says they're on 40mm bases, and it looks like they're overhanging a lot, so might fit on 50x25mm bases. They look a bit small to be horses though. I think any wolves that would fit on a 25x50mm base would be a bit small as wolves are built broader and lower (proportionally speaking) than horses.

    I've also been waiting 15 years for GW to bring out decent wolf models so these new Space Wolves have me excited :D
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah sadly thats what I was thinking. Wolves are a different ratio to horses so it will be impossible to get ones the right size. Pity there is no way around getting them on cavalry bases or the thunderwolf cavalry would work great.

    The closest possible size I have found so far is Gamezone Goblin Wolf riders. They look a decent size on cavalry bases, and I'm thinking I could put rocks under where their feet are to give them an illusion of being taller on the base so the rider's legs would be further from the base and not look so close. Thoughts?

    Also, I know I haven't updated this thread in a while. I am gradually making my way through gap filling. Still don't know what colour to paint the beast though.
  4. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Actually the Thunderwolves aren't far from fitting on Cavalry bases. I just took screenshots of the pictures off the GW site, and it says they're on a 60mm base, so measuring it out using MS Paint (the Engineer's tool ;) it tells you how many pixels a line is when you draw it on) the shoulder width of the wolves is only about 21mm-ish. The problem is the dynamic poses of the models make the overall width of the wolves around 27mm, 29mm and 31mm when you rotate them to their narrowest perspective on the 360 degree view GW has on their website. Maybe with a bit of work you could get them on 25mm bases, though they might be a bit crowded if you can get them to fit at all!

    The Gamezone wolves look alright, they look small though, what size bases are those on? If its 25x50mm bases, the wolves themselves might be smaller than the new Fenrisian Wolves.
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Wow thanks for doing that, handy to know. It is quite hard to judge the size from online photos, and I don't really want to buy a bunch if they are goin to be no good.

    Yeah the Gamezone ones are on cavalry bases. Funny, I thought they looked larger than the fenrisian ones. I think a friend is getting the fenrisian ones, so hopefully I can look at them in person and see.
  6. BezZeMad
    Cold One

    BezZeMad Member

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    Gamezone miniatures are nice, but be prepared to do a lot of gap filling.
    I got their Damsel on horse for my vampire counts army, lovely model but the two halves of the horse only join in two places!

    That required a lot of green stuff!
  7. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Alright I've been getting pretty distracted working on my WoC lately, even managed to derail this thread with them!

    Back to the dragon though... I have decided on green for him. The more I look at the model, the more I see a green dragon. So since I have very rarely worked with greens before, I'm currently searching around for lots of sources of painting green and especially really nicely done green dragons, so if anyone knows of any please post them. :)

    Gap filling on the model is pretty much completely. A few more in the tower where it fit together, but I am tempted to leave a lot of that as gaps since the tower is in ruins. It takes some time to work up the courage to do anything with it since I don't want to risk ruining the beast, thus the loads of research and getting distracted with WoC!

    I'm also painting up my High Elf dragon in green and purple kind of as a test model, though I may not get to the stage of fine detail work with it I just wanted a bit of an idea as to how it might look. Yes, I also find it a very strange idea to be using a large warhammer dragon as a test model. :p
  8. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    I dunno if you ever found some horse-sized wolves, but I finally got some of the Thunderwolves myself. I think I was pretty much right, if they had boring static poses, they would fit on cavalry bases, but since they're all dynamically posed either lunging or turning, they overhang.

    If you look at the proportions of a Thunderwolf, they're similar size to a Bretonnian horse, but with much larger heads and broader shoulders, but the overall body size and height is similar. They certainly look a lot heavier than horses.

    I'm actually thinking of using a Thunderwolf in my Orcs and Goblins army, putting in a chariot base with a goblin hero standing on it's shoulders holding reins and a couple of goblins sitting in the saddle or hanging off the side of the wolf and calling it a goblin hero mounted on a chariot. Compared to the old wolves used for wolf riders, a thunderwolf looks like it'd be totally capable of dealing twice the damage + impact hits and absorbing several wounds in the process, so I think it'll fit nicely as an "act as" chariot.

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