Since I am tired of using a proxy for all my battles, but too poor to buy one, I thought I'd sculpt me a Slann! This is my progress so far: Keep in mind that I'm a beginner at this sort of thing and I've just started on him, so much will probably change. Also he looks a lot goofier in the picture than in reality. Do you have any comments or tips?
Good start! I would suggest making the body more a triangular shape from the head down. Make the body fatter as it goes down. Think tear drop shape almost.
People joke about it a lot but you might also draw some inspiration from Java the Hutt's figure. At least for how the head connects to the body. In my opinion it is very similar.
Great start. It looks like you are sclupting it all at once. I do it in stages, head, then body, then arms/legs etc. I attach and fill in gaps. This gives me the control I need and allows parts to cure or dry while I work on another part. I use sculpey (polymer Clay) for a figure, I can bake each stage and have it complete without waiting for hours for it to harden. I will try to post some photos of my slann and some of the parts if I can figure out how. Again, you have a really good start. Gary
Here is a picture of my homemade slann with temple guard for refernce. The tan blob is the first attempt at the basic head shape. It was to big I think but I show it to you as an example of sculpting in stages. Get the basic head, let it harden, sculpt some detail, let that harden and so on until the head is done then move on to the body. Here is with arms off to show how the stages of scuplting may work. I attach mine with magnets but could have been permanent with a little green stuff in the gaps. Keep up the good work. Regards, Gary
Yeah Green stuff I have had bad luck with. But I've seen people do crazy things with it. Stormtrpp your Slann is AWESOME!
I know I said I don't do WIP shots, but a few years back (2008) I did have a few attempts. At the moment it looks like you're trying to take on more than you should in one sitting. Remember green stuff when wet is rubbish at supporting itself so always start off with a strong armature on which to work over. The Slann I did was larger than existing GW slann, but was done as part of a test more than anything, however my point remains, give yourself a solid hard base to work on and add the detail layers over the top like so in these photos.
Very nice, I have been drawing for quite some time and I use the same idea for drawing a figure. I base the figure on a stick figure (the armature). I have also sculpted some limited stuff, however, nothing for warhammer as of yet. I don't suppose you have more shots in that series, Rikard?