As I have mentioned in a couple of places, I am starting to build a chaos army and I have now completed a test model. Hes a bit rough, just aiming for tabletop standard so I can get them all painted relatively easily. I don't like how the green on the shield turned out. I drew inspiration from CMON a unit I saw with a blue highlight around the 8 pointed star that looked amazing, but I'm not willing/skilled enough to put in the extra highlight layers to make it look good so I think I'll scrap the idea. I wasn't sure whether to highlight the armour with grey or silver. I think I will go with silver instead of the grey I have on this model. I'm not trying for Nurgle, I just wanted a bit of colour to break it up. I like how the green helmet turned out, I think I will keep that to make my army stand out a bit from normal undivided armies. I don't know why it looks like there is a gold blob on the right knee.. Thats not actually there on the model, the camera somehow produced that. Thoughts?
Just wondering really, but did you "dip" the model? I just ask because it looks glossy. Otherwise, it looks fine for tabletop standard. I'll have to post a pic of my Kholek I made from a hydra and doombull. For inspiration of course.
Nah I didn't dip it. I used gloss varnish on all the armoured areas to make them shiny, the cloak is not actually glossy its just the camera flash picked up the raised areas.
I like the helmet and shield color. If each unit has the same helmet and shield highlight it would make them look more uniform. I think that would look really good on the table, and it would also help you keep track of which models go in which tray.