8th Ed. Skavenpelt Banner and Saurus

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by GrowdanBowl, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    The skavenpelt banner will not only cost you a whole bunch of points, for the hero carrying it and the banner itself, but it has another drawback that is probably much worse. it has to be carried by a skink, which in turn means it has to be carried by the BSB, and that means your BSB has to be a skink. We are blessed with two awesome options for BSBs, in Slann or Scar vets, because by comparison with other teams, they are very VERY hard to kill. The scar vet has good armour and T5, and the slann can be hidden away from harm inside a unit of TG. When you want to play the skavenpelt banner you give up having it on a really good character, and instead put your important BSB function with what may be the single worst character in the game. GOBLINS ARE BETTER, because they have T4 at least, not to mention that they cost half the points. You put your precious battle standard on a character that may as well be made from twigs and spit ;)

    So, if you make this huge sacrifice you want something in return, right? If you put it in a unit of TG (lets assume 6 guys wide) you gain 6 WS4 S5 attacks. If you put it with normal sauruses you gain 6 WS3 S4 attacks, for the exact same investment. not a good option, right? The only case where i would even marginally consider using this would be in a unit of Cold ones, since that would give you ~6 WS4 S5 attacks (assuming charge) PLUS ~6 WS3 S4 attacks from the mounts (whether skavenpelt would affect the mounts has been debated, but i have never seen any argument that convinces me it doesnt). This ofc has the problem that you would have to use cold one cavalry, a unit that is of questionable worth at best. So, though it is fun with frenzy, i for one wouldnt want to make the huge sacrifices it requires.
  2. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    How about putting the Skink BSB on an Ancient Steg?

    d6 Impact hits
    4 S6 attacks (Steg)
    8 S3 attacks (Crew)
    3 S4 attacks (Chief)

    Plus the added bonus of stomps, 2+ Armour save of Howdah and 18" BSB range
  3. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    That sounds like a fun Heroe to try!
  4. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    yeah! id love to pay an insane amount of points for that guy! :rolleyes:
  5. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    lol I get that you do a lot of tournaments and you're really good at playing LM but some things you just gotta do for fun and chuckles even if it's not efficient... :/
  6. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    He would be the same points as a Chief with the the Steg War Spear. :meh:

    There are some basic builds for LM that people know well and have seen plenty of times that they build their lists against. So when you do something different and unexpected it can be effective or it can blow up in your face. But every now and then, it can be fun to throw your opponent a curve and mix it up a bit.

    Remember the #1 rule of Warhammer: The point of the Game is to have fun every time not Win every time.
  7. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    And here i though we were discussing the validity of the skavenpelt banner (yes i know originally it was in combination with sauruses), and not whether it counted as "fun" to roll one extra attack with the stegadon or not...

    My point was that the suggested build was obviously overpriced for what it accomplishes. It has no utility except that it allows you to roll one more attack die with the stegadon (note that i do not even count the skink dice since they are so pathetic). Id argue that the warspear build is terrible too, but it DOES at least give you some utility in that it can harm ethereal units with the impact hits.

    It could be fun to use a build that no one (or at least very few others) uses. However, the reason that no one uses a build must not be because no one has tried. it could also be because ppl tried (or more often simulated/calculated) and it turned out that it was not a valid build.

    And yes i know that you "do not have to win to have fun". That is all very true but for me the fun in warhammer (except for the social part) lies in the intellectual competition between two players trying to outfox each other. If your definition of fun is to roll more dice, then we must just agree to disagree on what "fun" is.
  8. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Since we're drifting off to the fun side of tactics...

    How about Tiktaq'to in a unit of 6 terradons with a chief BSB using skavenpelt banner? Shows up on any turn from any board edge and they'd have tons of attacks. It'd be like a stripper in a birthday cake, only she'd go crazy and kill everyone. :smug:
  9. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    ...............,-*llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.\.......................... .......
    ..............\lllllllllllllllllllllllllll/.........\;;;;llllllllllll,-`~-,......................... ..

    OK guys... you are on your own...
  10. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Lol, that is a lot of work for the facepalm....
  11. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Seriously lighten up. We are just throwing around ideas and having a bit of fun here no need to troll. We all cannot be master tactical commanders all the time. It is okay to try new things, even if it is not new to you, it maybe to someone else. If you see a reason why something does not work explain why it does not work don’t start passing judgments on your fellow LM players, we are all on the same team. :D
  12. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Giant Face Palm aside. You do not get the Frenzy on Shooting, Rock Drop or on the Stomps, so you would only be gaining in CC and in my personal experience Terredons don’t have a lot of staying power. So might only get it for 1 round. But in the spirit of the game “Try it and see what happens!” :smug:
  13. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    Alright, I've been crunching numbers and to be a lot more effective and get more bang for your points I've come to the conclusion that... we all need to roll WoC!!!

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