Hey, I'm new to the world of Warhammer Fantasy... I haven't even played a game or got any miniatures yet, but I've played a couple of 40k games and am hoping to get into Fantasy. I'd prefer a magic heavy army, but more on that in my appeal in the armylist sections. I must admit the amount of money and time i can commit to this venture is limited as my wife and I have just had our first child, but none the less I would still enjoy indulging in Warhammer Fantasy. Anyway, I will probably be rattling off questions and I only hope these don't get too annoying. Cthulhu.
Welcome Cthulhu As a HPLovecraft fan I never thought those words would come out of my mouth! Any questions you may have about Lizardmen or Warhammer Fantasy in general ask a way, we are all friends here. Cheers
Thanks, Most my questions are, at the moment at least, primarily about what I should be Fielding. I've made a draft list up and posted it but It's probably full of rookie mistakes... having never played a game before I don't really know what I should be looking out for, but I like magic, I like Lizards and I like aztec aesthetics so... Lizardmen seemed to fit plus Skinks are just awesome.
There is a lot of good info on this site about how to play and what to field. Take a look through the tactics index and some of the army lists and you'll be an expert in no time!
Welcome to Lustria! Like you I have a limited budget for spending on my LM. In my experience I found that putting away just $20 every paycheck got me a sizeable army within the year. You can avoid buying a few of the expensive metal models by converting cheaper plastic models. One good example is the chameleon skinks. Visit the modeling forums or pay attention to some of our member's signatures to find links to model conversions (right of the top of my head Lord Tsunami has a pretty sweet chameleon skink conversion made from the regular plastic skinks for example). Another $$ saving tip I took was to not glue down certain parts of the stegadon model so that you can inter-change parts to use it as a regular Steg, Ancient or EotG. That alone will save you $80. I'm sure everyone has way more tips they use to save some moolah...