8th Ed. Would this list be good to learn how to play Fantasy with?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Kaughnor, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. Kaughnor

    Kaughnor Member

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    How's it going everyone. Sorry If I'm asking too many questions but I'm still trying to wrap my head around the new game. I've nearly finished my first squad of 27 saurus and have started thinking about my end game list. I'm aiming for 2k. I'm not into winning at all costs but I also like to play a tactical game. So I like to win challenging games. This is a list I'm thinking of aiming towards. Any chance of some feedback?

    Slann - Cupped Hands, Standard of Discipline, Focus of Mystery, The Becalming, The Focused Rumination, BSB

    Scar-Vet - Light Armour, Shield, Venom of the Fire Fly Frog

    27 Saurus Warriors - Full Command, Spears

    2 x 10 Skink Skirmishers

    5 Chameleon Skinks

    20 Temple Guard - Musician, Banner, Banner of Eternal Flame

    10 Cold One Cavalry - Gleaming Pennant

    2 Salamanders

    My big issue is that I want to run a large unit of cold one cavalry. It was one of the units that drew me to the lizardmen. So I would like to include them if I can. I came up with this list keeping in mind what models I currently own. As it stands all I would have to do is pick up is a box of cold one cavalry models to make the army.

    I'm thinking that the army might actually do ok if you played a refused flank. Then again I really have no idea as I've never actually played a game of fantasy yet. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  2. magician

    magician New Member

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    Re: Would this list be good to learn how to play Fantasy wit

    Which lore of magic are you using?

    Personally, I have found that non-wizard characters are only good against specific targets. You can go so much great stuff from our troop selections! I usually only have a Slaan and an Engine of the Gods or two (depending on points).

    With the steadfast rule calvary have become less effective. Make sure you bring some ranks to the same party or be prepared for them to get bogged down a lot!

    I'm more of a fan of a parry save than spears, but that's most likely a style thing!

    Stomp is nobility (but the new Kroxigors are overpriced), Thunderstomp is KING. Impact hits + thunderstomp + a nice block of Saurus to stop steadfast = almost any enemy infantry unit broken on the charge.

    All of the preceeding comments aside, Lizardmen have the most amazing synergies. If your style fits your list then you will probably do well.

    Just my $0.02.
  3. Kaughnor

    Kaughnor Member

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    Re: Would this list be good to learn how to play Fantasy wit

    Thanks for the response man. Sorry should have mentioned I was planning to use lore of life. I take your point on the scar-vet. I'm thinking of replacing cupped hands with a dispel scroll and dropping the magic banner on the temple guard so that I can take a crown of command on the scar-vet. I figure as long as I keep the saurus and temple guard close to each other I would have a solid foundation to build the rest of the army around.

    I don't have to take cold one calvary but I really like the models. I'm also not sure what else to take to act as a hammer. I have been thinking of trying to fit in 2 stegondons some how to replace the cavalry. But not sure how to do that with the above core of temple guard and saurus warriors. Thanks again for the response.
  4. magician

    magician New Member

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    Re: Would this list be good to learn how to play Fantasy wit

    I love my flaming attacks on the Temple Guard, it's a 'standard standard' for me in a tournament list.

    Consider that your Slaan has miscast protection in the form of Throne of Vines. That makes Cupped Hands a weapon, not a protection device. Since Throne of Vines makes most of your spells much better, how often will you actually use Cupped Hands as a weapon? Personally, I take the Forbidden Rod. It often turns a poor magic phase into total dominance.

    Do T6 or T8 Saurus Warriors really need to be stubborn? Especially with 5 full ranks and 3 spare guys (assuming you have a Scar Vet in the unit).

    Play around and have some fun. See what you like. Make sure to take an Engine of the Gods for a spin. It's darn hard to kill, and can bring some SERIOUS pain to the enemy. If they kill the priest, it's a big mean/mad monster that your lore attribute will heal and heal and heal and...


    Salamanders are likely to make anything you match against that scares your Saurus a whole lot less scary before you engage. Dwellers also has that effect on big nasties like Tzeentch Chosen with a 3+ ward save and stubborn.


    So I guess I'm saying don't sell your army short. They're plent good if they work together. You're unlikely to need some of the items. You have amazing options at your disposal.

    I guess that's another $0.02...
  5. Jharug

    Jharug New Member

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    Re: Would this list be good to learn how to play Fantasy wit

    Now you'r saying you like the Cold Ones. Well use them if you want and why not send the S-Vet with them? If you are crafty and use all parts in the boxes well it should not be so hard to pimp the champion so that he works both as a S-Vet/OB and a champion. Just remember to give a minor detail to one of the ordinary Cold One riders so he can substitute for the champ when you have a S-Vet/OB with your cavalry.

    I have not played any 8:th edition games with LM yet tho since i also has some Ogres to play around with :D
  6. Kaughnor

    Kaughnor Member

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    Re: Would this list be good to learn how to play Fantasy wit

    Thanks for the replies. Following up on a two stegadon list, any chance this army would work?

    Slann - life, dispel scroll, standard of discipline, focus of mystery, the focused rumination

    Scar-Vet - Venom of the fire fly frog, light armour, shield

    27 - Saurus Warriors - spears, full command

    2 x 10 Skink Skirmishers

    20 Temple Guard - banner, musician


    Ancient Stegadon



    Just like the first list I would only need to buy one more box to make the army. One more stegadon model and I can build this list. What I like most about this one is that it would cut down on my painting big time. That is a plus for me as I can get a painted army completed quicker.
  7. Turtleneck
    Cold One

    Turtleneck New Member

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    Re: Would this list be good to learn how to play Fantasy wit

    add greatweapon to scar vet :)
  8. magician

    magician New Member

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    Re: Would this list be good to learn how to play Fantasy wit

    You cound trade the vet and the ancient for a priest on an engin....maybe have some points to spare to put The Becalming Cogitation on the Slaan (best magic defense in the game!). I'd take burning alignment over 4 attacks from a Scar Vet any day!

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