Newbie painter needs a little help

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by arrobaking, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. arrobaking
    Jungle Swarm

    arrobaking New Member

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    First of all hello to everyone, i have been reading this forum for 2 weeks or so.
    Some time ago, arround 5 to 6 years I used to like warhammer but wen Iwas geting into the game te GW shop from my city closed, and I left the hobby almos without beginig it.
    Some weeks ago I found my unpainted lizzardmen army box (6th edition) and some other lizardmens, mostly the 3 models of skink chiefs and the 2 of priests, as well as my kroq-gar; and a little box of citadel paints, so i got some plastic glue, wich by the way i think it sucks a bit, so if you could recomend me one of a concrete brand i would be very gratefull; and i began to put together my skinks and saurus warriors, now I have a unit of 10 skink skimrisers with blowpipe almost painted, just mising some minor details and higligths, and 2 skink chiefs and 1 priest.

    But hen we get into a problem, basically my paints were all almost dried, since they were in a weet place some of them survived but still are not in the best condition, basically i have left some ice blue, enchanted blue, blood red, scab red, chaos black, darck angels green,sunbrust yellow and bronce flesh. So with that i managed to get some skinks like the ones from the lustria book, the red crest ones, but i want to do a second unit of 10 with javelins and a 24 saurus block, and i dont want all of them to be in hte same escheme os colors, but yes in some similar tonality. Since there is no GW shop anymore in my town i will order my paints probalbi to GW since I have no idea of how army painter, reaper... paints are.

    So after the long post, (sorry 4 making it too long) ill resume it in some basic questions

    1- wath colours should I get from gw that will allow me to paint my lizards into a similar but diferent color scheme? since im a noob in this i want to more or less follow the blue saurus/skink patern that gw gives, but at the same time i want someting diferent

    2- Alternative color scheme ideas, easy ones please, those are mostly for non core units, like salamanders and their handlers, terradon riders, cold ones...

    3- Apart of my army box wath units sould i get for having a more or less decent army, theres no gw shop but i belive that there is at least one warhamer player club in my city so i want something that i can use to play with, eventhougth my main goal its just to paint.

    and id thank a lot if you could give me some pages, or links to asemblinig and paiting tutorials, i have no big trouble asembling my plastick miniatures but the krog-gar since its metallic i belive it needs to be pined and green stuff... and i have no idea of how to do that properly.

    Once I finish my skink unit and my chiefs-priest i will post some photos so you can see my work so far, but please don not laugh at them for having terrible bad higligths adn shades XD
  2. erians

    erians Active Member

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    You want the standard colour theme but you want something different? Thats pretty contradicting. You could make your army more unique by converting I guess, then you get to keep the colour scheme. An easy way to paint to a decent standard is painting them blue (or any other color), washing with blue wash (or any other wash as long as its the same colour as the regular paint) and dry brush highlights.

    Just go into the painting blog section and look around. There are a ton of different painting techniques and colour schemes show cased in there, its worth a look.

    If you have the 7th ed army book just make a list and post it in the Army list section in this forum and you will get help tweaking it.

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