Hi, I was thinking as an idea; Lizardmen kind of lack the giant free roaming monsters, they have a stegadon but it requires riders, I was thinking crossing the warhammer giant with maybe a crocodile model with the head/tail/feet and a few scales. Wasn't sure whether that would work and whether it would be usable in battle?
I'd love to see the Lizards get baby Steg riders in their new book...heck they can even be mounted by skinks. These would be like our true Heavy Cavalry, with a 3+ save, Str 6, T5, W3 and a Stomp attack. Too much like Kroxigors though?
I did a conversion of an oldblood riding a crocodile. I only use it in games with my friends. I used a crocodile toy and painted it. I used the same base as the steg.
If you play Storm of Magic you can bind a giant, would be cool if you did a conversion and themed a giant to fit in with LM.
As a heavy cavalry you could maybe have one of the smaller forms of triceratops like dinosaurs, or on a larger predatory model, based on something like an allosaurus or something.
A friend of mine is helping me with one of my mad conversions. Just before Christmas I thought "Why aren't there any giant Kroxigor?" so here is my plan... We're going to be converting a Beastman Cygor into a giant Kroxigor who will be carrying a large engine of the gods on it's back. It'll be a proxy Stegadon, but should look awesome when it's finished. Roll on a new Lizardman book with more large beasties in!
Wow a Cygor sized Lizardman? I really want to see that! Get it started and post photos, kissthehurricane!
The limbs are being used as a base. Obviously there will be a lot of conversion work so he's no longer furry. The way the arms hold the standing stone means that with a bit of tweaking he can support a howdah on his back/above his head as if he is lifting it towards the heavens.
As a monster one of the GW Lord of the Rings Drakes would look excellent. It wouldn't take much converting (maybe just adding a rider or just leaving it as is) and a jungle themed base; it would look ace
Would it be possible to create a hero riding a horned one ( a converted cold one) I think that would look great as an army genrral