New GW paints

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by AllSeeingSkink, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Looks like GW has a bunch of new paints.

    Anyone had a chance to have a look at them?

    Personally I'm mildly annoyed, it was bad enough when GW dropped off a few paints here and there but to entirely change their range.... come on guys! Give me a break. I'm tempted to run out tomorrow and stock up on some older paints if it weren't for the fact they're so damned expensive and dry up so easily.

    On the upside the range looks bigger now, which was previously shrinking quite badly, so more washes and metallics which they kind of needed, and they have a glaze medium now.

    What are your guys opinions on them?
  2. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    It's cool that they introduce new paints, but the change of names really bums me. It will be a drag to always use a comparison chart to see which new colour is the same as an old one...
  3. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Yeah, my worry is that they didn't match them well, so half my army will end up with a slightly different tone to the other half. They say on the conversion chart...

    "Be aware that as the new paint range comprises brand-new formulations we can suggest close, but not exact comparisons."

    After 15 years of GW pulling the rug from under me, I should have learnt to not use GW paints for my minis. :(
  4. Tepoksthirdeye

    Tepoksthirdeye New Member

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    The new paints are pretty good, especially the texture ones. Unfortunately, they're not going to last. They're limited edition and only 50 million pots have been produced world wide. They can only be ordered till the 7th of April, then they aren't going to be sold anymore.

    That's what the manager of my local GW said anyway. Sort of annoying for GW to do that.
  5. Moniker

    Moniker Member

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    That sounds stupid. Why would they go through the effort of redeveloping an entire new range of one hundred forty five paints only to discontinue them? I question said managers sources.
  6. Karnaak

    Karnaak New Member

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    Well wtf would they do that? Are they going to go back to the old paints after that? I just started my army and have been holding off painting them until i get some of the new paints so it will all be the same.
  7. DanBot

    DanBot Member

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    I was up at my local shop about a week ago and they had almost no paint in stock. I asked when they'd be getting them in and the owner replied "never. And i cant tell you why yet." Leads me to believe they arent ever coming back. And the site says nothing about them being limited edition. Which i think would be a selling piont. And i am very concerned looking at the new solor orange replacement. Itmdoesnt look anything like it from what i can tell. And i use a lot of it for my skink dip. Sad day if they are gone forever. My local shop is out.
  8. sevensevensare49

    sevensevensare49 Member

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    I'm still pissed about the change of paint pots from last time - now I need to jam a paintbrush in the lids to keep them open. Now they go and replace all the colours i spent a fortune collecting? Not cool, GW, Not cool at all.
    On the other hypocritical hand, I will be checking out the new glazes since i've been painting my Lizardmen and Tyranid armies with washes. I've heard a lot of good things about the ink range GW previously had available.
    Maybe they'll start putting their painting tutorials back on the website too - i noticed they disappeared a few weeks ago.
  9. Anton_S
    Temple Guard

    Anton_S Member

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    Twice the number of paints to choose from is all good to me. More Foundation, sorry BASE paints, which is what I base all my colour schemes on, and a new (if small) range for drybrushing that I'm curious about. I mean, Foundation (Base) paints were already perfect for drybrushing so can these possibly be even better?

    I'm also interested to try some texture paints for basing and terrain.

    The name changes are mildly annoying but I'll live. I'm not advance ordering anything but I'll pop down to the store when they are released and pick out a few interesting pots.
  10. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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  11. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Doesn't really interest me. I'm not sure why they decided to change names that have been around for 20 odd years, its just going to confuse me. But oh well. I have since been gradually replacing my paints with Coat d'arms and Vallejo as I need to buy more. Half the price for half the volume again? No reason for me to buy GW at all.

    I like tha 'bargain' of the set of all 145 paints as well. $870AU. Haha yeah someone is going to drop nearly 900 bucks on 1.7 litres of water based paints. Whatever GW is smoking, its getting more potent. :p

    @sevensevens, I don't know what the new glazes are like... I imagine not like inks though. You can still get inks from other lines. Glazes, inks and washes all will produce different results and all have their uses. I was quite a fan of the GW inks, I'm now getting inks from Vallejo. I still have the GW wash set though and most of them are pretty good. Some uses just need a stronger stain and a deeper contrast though, which inks give.
  12. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    strewart, I have heard many saying that previously GW was out-sourcing the manufacture of paints, and now they decided to start making them themselves. They cannot use the same names for some trademarking issues or something. You'd think they save some money that way, but the price per pot stays the same so... bigger profit margin?
  13. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Ahh thats the first reasoning for the name changes I have read, thanks for that. Makes sense I guess.

    Its not uncommon for GW to introduce cost-cutting new things and keep extra profits rather than passing on savings. Remember resin is a material far far cheaper than metal (cheap enough that other competitors can halve the price or double the number of models when going from metal to resin!) yet GW actually increased prices on most things when they went to resin. On the same lines, GW claimed for most of the 2000's that going from metal to multi-part plastic was great because it was so much cheaper, and we certainly saw many units being much cheaper in plastic than their previous metal version, but over the last 3 years or so they are starting to sell plastic kits for much the same price per model as the metal used to be, again in some cases even more.

    Its not very good for customer relations or customer retention really.
  14. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Yeah I still use some of the old school GW inks on my Tyranids. I actually started painting the 'nids with my old paints about a year ago and then went to GW and found out the bastards don't make them anymore, so I had to switch my painting style mid army to conserve my inks (previously I'd ink the whole model then layer with bleached bone/deneb stone, now I wash it with Devlan Mud and only use the ink on the joints and deep crevices to preserve it as I only have two half pots (one a friend gave me) and they don't go far when you coat entire models with them. So I'm experienced with GW pulling the rug from under me, previously they pulled a blue that I was using as a base for Saurus warriors as well.

    There was a rumour they were going to HMG limited, which was apparently the company that made GW paints back in the days when I started gaming about 16 years ago... back when they used pots that DIDN'T dry out (I still use a Liche Purple for my Skinks that is around 15 years old!). That's the same company that makes some paints for Privateer Press, Foundry Paints and Coat'd'Arms.

    Someone pointed out something troubling to me though, it looks like the old paints could be very different to the new ones, if you look at the conversion chart, Orkhide Shade and Dark Angels green are both converted to Caliban Green, but Orkhide Shade and DA Green both give very different effects on a model.

    I'm very tempted to pick up a few pots of Devlan Mud, Gryphonne Sepia (which I use for a lot of models across my armies) and Adeptus Battlgrey (which is the primary colour on my Space Wolves). One thing I hate about GW paints is they don't last, so often I'll come back to a paint after not using it for a year and its almost dried out, and as the washes get older they dry out and form a darker tink, which is annoying for my 'nids when I like to use it straight from the pot.

    The "dry" paints to me just sound like paints they've left open for a while and will probably dry out within a week of you first opening it :p

    The textures sound interesting, I might use them for my Orcs and Goblins which have been sitting unbased for the last 2 years because I've been too lazy to sand and paint them.

    I'm surprised they didn't take the opportunity to add in more metallics. Back in the day they used to have coloured metallics, now its all brown/gold/silver, the old coloured metallics were nice now and then for certain tasks.
  15. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I have a complaint.

    So we all recall that Lizardmen born under the spawning of Sotek have red crests or markings, right? So ONE WOULD THINK that a color incorporating the word Sotek would be, oh I dunno, Sotek Red? Sound reasonable? Well no. Instead they decided to make Hawk Turquoise turn into Sotek Green...WTF!?!

    Pardon my language.

    Anyway, the colors look ok. I'm not too excited about them though. They are paint.
  16. Sarzar

    Sarzar New Member

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    Hi All,

    First off this is my first post. :)

    I tried the new paints the other day, my local store had a demo of 15-20 of them.

    Based upon my limited time in the hobby ( 2 months). I have to say overall I like the direction and the ease of use of the newest paint system.

    It feels more end user friendly to me, and the array of colors is quite a bit larger.

    Well just the thoughts of a noob.

    Noob Lizardmen Player
  17. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Welcome aboard Sarzar. Thanks for your input. We look forward to more. If we can help you in any way, please feel free to ask.

    I have not had a chance to check out the paints yet. I am looking forward to the washes and glazes. From some of the posts, I may try the dry paints out as well.
  18. tankrothchild

    tankrothchild New Member

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    I have a lot of GW paints, and I think they are good. But I'll never buy another pot, besides liquid green stuff.

    Why? Vellejo paints have dropper bottles. Dropper bottles are amazing. I cannot believe GW produces a new paint line and refuses to make it easier to get your paint.
  19. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I do have a few Vallejo paints. I would agree on that point. I have not used any Vallejo washes or anything besides some basic colors. Do they even have washes or glazes?

    I vowed to buy Vallejo replacements as they are more cost effective and you get the dropper bottle vs the pots that GW use. As I use my GW paints and need to get replacements, I am trying to replace them with Vallejo paints. The color names really do not matter to me as I know I can mix up approximatations for what I need.
  20. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah vallejo have washes as well as inks. I only have one of the washes to judge, but I found that you really need to shake it well before using it each time because it seperates in the bottle. Sometimes the first drop out (which has been stuck at the top of the dropper) is also pretty crap and can't be used. But overall, much more cost effective than GW paints.

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