8th Ed. League List discussion (500/700/900/1100/1300/1500)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by ChandlerGriz, Feb 27, 2012.

  1. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    lol I'm liking this thread. Is keeping me in suspense. What happened next!!
  2. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    Scenario is Deployment zones are in far left corners of the board with a Supply building in the middle right section. Winner is the person that controls the building at the end of the game, or last man standing.

    Turn 3: Lizardmen are victorious VS Goblins!

    Goblins turn 1: Night Goblin unit with BSB and Black Orc General move toward supply building alongside with fellow Spider Riders. Another unit of spider riders and another unit of Night Goblins w/ Shaman advance toward Lizards deployment zone. Night Shroud is dispelled and no shooting or CC.

    Lizards turn 1: Saurus unit marches toward supply building. Stegadon positions for a charge on Goblins and their shaman. Skirmishers kinda hang around with Salamanders. No Magic. Stegadon bow misses. Salamander flames toast 7 spider riders and they flee for their lives, eventually off the board.

    Goblins turn 2: Freds goblins and spiders continue their advancement toward the supplies, while his Shaman's unit marches up and unleashes three little balls of hell. Two fanatics pass through the Saurus unit and manage to kill about 5 Saurus. The third stops just short of the Stegadon. His goblin shaman IF Night Shroud and kills about 15 goblins in the impending blast. No shooting. No CC.

    Lizards turn 2: Stegadon charges into Night Goblins suffers one wound from passing through the fanatic and one wound from failing a dangerous terrain test from Night Shroud. Salamanders march to just behind the Stegadon, advancing toward the supplies. Saurus advance toward supplies and skinks try to manuver to shoot at some fanatics. No Magic. Skinks shoot and kill a fanatic. Try as they may the Goblins cannot penetrate the Stegadon's thick hide and the Stegadons stomps prove too powerful for them. Goblins flee and are run down by the hungry Stegadon.

    Goblins turn 3: Goblins and Spider riders near the supplies. Fanatics move about with no effect. No Magic. No Shooting. No CC.

    Lizards Turn 3: Saurus move 2" sideways to make room for the Salamanders. Stegadon advances, trying to get behind the Night Goblins and Spider Riders. Salamanders advance up beside Saurus. Skirmishers close in on the last fanatic. No Magic. Skirmishers miss the Fanatic with all 10 shots. Salamanders misfire once and kill 6 goblins with the other. Goblins pass their panic test. No CC.

    Goblins turn 4: Goblins charge Salamanders. Salamanders held (I should have fled here) and as the Goblins closed in on their charge they released more fanatics. Two crashed through the Saurus killing 7 or so. And a third fell short. Goblins complete their charge on Salamanders. The first fanatic bounces through the skirmishers killing 6! Skinks pass their panic. Spider riders advance toward the building. No Magic, No shooting. The goblin unit wins combat VS the Salamanders, but the salamanders manage to escape their pursuit with only one wound!

    Lizards turn 4: Stegadon declares charge on the Spider riders. They fail their terror test and flee for their lives (eventually off the board). Saurus reform to face Goblin unit and Skirmishers turn to face the fanatic. Salamanders rally and turn to face Gobins. No Magic. Skirmishers fail to find their mark yet again against the fanatic, his whirling ball of death deflecting darts!

    Goblins turn 5: Goblin unit declares charge on Salamanders, Salamanders flee and goblins try to redirect toward skirmishers. Skirmishers flee off board, Goblins fail their charge and move forward 4". One fanatic bounces through the Goblin unit killing a few and crashing into a building. One manages to whirl off the board and the other two crash into each other. No Magic. No Shooting. No CC.

    Lizards turn 5: Saurus charge Goblins and manage to get 3 into base contact. Saurus win combat and run down the fleeing goblin unit. Goblins are annihilated!

    End of Game.
  3. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    Ive also put together a somewhat of a narative that loosely follows along with the outline of the campaign. Ill post that at some point.

    Next round is 1100 points. Right now I dont know what my next opponent is, but if I had to guess I would say Vampires. My 1100 point list is as follows.

    Scar-Vet, L. Armor, Shield, Venom of Firefly Frog, Dragonhelm, Amulet of Itzl (if its VS Vamps this will change to include Burning Blade of Chotec.)
    Skink Priest, lvl-2, Plaque of Tepok
    19 Skink Cohorts, Musician
    24 Saurus Warriors, HW/Sh, Musician/Standard
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    1 Stegadon with Giant Bow
    2 Salamander hunting packs.
  4. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    Intro and round 1...
    Chapter 1: Mystery in the Tilean Sea!

    Off the coast of the forgotten part of the world known as the Blighted Marshes lies the foreboding Tilean Sea. Your warband finds themselves on a vessel in this very place, sent by the leaders of your races and promised reinforcements as they become available. Even the general of your warband knows little about the true purpose of this mission, but rumors of a powerful artifact recently unearthed run rampant throughout the crew. Since entering the region your ship seems guided by mysterious forces, and your warband soon finds itself beached on the shores of a long forgotten island, deep in the heart of the sea. As your group disembarks to scout your surroundings in the foggy landscape, you quickly realize that you are not the only force on the beach!
  5. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    The sand felt good under the clawed feet of the Scar-Veteran, Syzx. Syzx had never cared much for the sea and was happy to be on dry land, despite the eerie fog that engulfed the shore. Syzx, who was once the proud champion of his beloved Mage-Priests temple guard, had been ordered to muster a group of saurus to scout the Isles of the Tilean Sea. The Mage-Priest also ordered a handful of skinks to accompany Syzx and his Saurus. While Syzx himself had little use for the skinks he trusted the Mage-Priest had a reason for them. The Mage-Priest always had a reason.

    As the Lizardmen were unloading the ship, wolf howls echoed close by and they realized they were not alone on the beach. Quickly gathering their equipment they slowly made their way further inward on the island and soon the sand turned to hard earth. Across the field figures stood silently in the fog. Too small to be other Lizardmen, Orcs or even Beastmen. Far too still to be Men or Goblins. A faint blue flickering and another howl gave away the opponent. It had to be Undead forces. Syzx barked his battle orders and the saurus advanced, flanked on each side by skinks. Realizing the threat the, now apparent, hexwraiths answered with a swift passover of the saurus, their ghostly blades killing five saurus instantly. Dire wolves quickly advanced on the Saurus. Syzx had to make a quick decision! The hexwraiths were on their way to the skinks and he knew they stood no chance against the ghostly cavalry. He made the decision to charge the hexwraiths himself and send his saurus against the dire wolves! Syzx enchanted blade was the only thing his force had that could ward off the ethereal horrors on this beach, but it proved enough. Suffering a wound while dispatching the hexwraiths he turned to face his saurus companions as they quickly dealt with the wolves. In the flurry of the current battle they had almost forgot about the silent threat lumbering toward them. The figures, now visible, were a horde of skeleton warriors lead by a ghostly wraith. Syzx knew he needed to rejoin his saurus platoon before the fight as the wraith would tear them apart.

    As the skeleton horde advanced the unsettling sight proved too much for the saurus and they began to retreat back toward their ship. Knowing that if the saurus fled, there would be little hope for the survival of the warband, Syzx managed to rally his fleeing saurus and rejoin their ranks. Syzx swiftly brought order to the unit and they turned to face the oncoming skeletons. The skeletons slammed into the saurus in a tsunami of blades, bones and blood. Syzx called for the wraiths head, but was met by a skeleton champion instead. Syzx made short work of the skeletal champion as the wraith slaughtered saurus. The battle raged on as Syzx made his way through skeletons to the wraith. Again the enchanted blade of the Scar-Vet proved itself as it ripped the ghostly figure apart. The saurus suffered many casualties but the Lizardmen proved victorious on this day. Syzx, annoyed the skinks hadn’t done more in the battle, was relieved that most of his saurus unit lived. They made their way back to the beach to set up camp for the night. For in the morning they would advance further into the island and hope for a message from the Mage-Priest.
  6. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    Turn 2

    The victors of the beach conflicts travel inward, making quick work of the gently sloping terrain. As your warband marches, the minds of your troops race with hushed thoughts–whispers and tugging voices from another plane. Soon you realize unnatural forces are at work, and you deduce that a strange magical ward protects the interior of the island. Dusk falls, and in the far distance, you can make out the ruins of a long forgotten city. As camps are set up and fires lit, your scouts return–frantically warning you of a nearby force. It's time to prepare for war!


    Perhaps the skinks will be useful on this voyage after all thought Syzx. The skinks managed to track and tame a Stegadon on the island, and equipped it with a full howdah and bow. What the skinks lack in strength and courage they make up for in quickness and cunning. Syzx and his warband had ventured into the hills after the encounter with the Undead. Still no sign from the Mage-Priest even after two weeks of being on the island. Syzx knew to be patient because the Mage-Priest had a plan and it had already been set into motion.

    As the Lizardmen made camp for the night the skink skirmishers reported Ogres in the area. The skinks knew the Ogres had spotted them and they were in pursuit. Not wanting to be an Ogre dinner the Lizardmen force readied for another battle. The lizards drums were almost silenced by the deafening, horrible sound of the ogre bellowers. The ogres were close and were advancing. Saurus rushed out to meet the ogres, but knew not to be too aggressive and they had to charge into battle at the precise time. Even a mighty saurus has little hope against the momentum an ogre creates as it charges into battle. The skinks and the stegadon went to circle around the other side of the ruins by the campsite. The ogre force was in full view now. The skinks were eager to shoot at the visible mournfang cavalry. But they failed to take proper aim and the bolt flew high over head. A fireball blazed across the dusk sky incinerating six skinks where they stood, and pistol shots were heard from behind the lizards as maneater scouts emerged from the bushes. Unrattled by the incineration of their friends the remaining skirmishers advanced alongside the massive stegadon. The venom of the skinks blowpipes proved too much for the sabretusk. As the sabretusk breathed its last breath the mournfang fled, not wanting to suffer the same fate. The giant bow’s bolt again fired through the air, this time striking true and skewering an ogre. The firebelly again tried to muster a fireball but was unsuccessful. Skinks slammed into the flank of the ogres as the stegadon advanced. Seeing the ogres were occupied by the skinks the saurus advanced. Again ogre pistol shots echoed to no effect. The ogres finished off the last of the skinks as the saurus and stegadon crashed into them. It wasn’t long before the ogres were overcome and they all fled into the hills.

    Tired, Syzx and his remaining warband headed back to their camp. Hoping to hear from the Slann soon as survival on this wretched isle is becoming more difficult. Two warbands in two weeks. Were they looking for the same thing? And if so, what?
  7. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    Chapter 3: Hunger

    Another bloodletting and your exhausted warband regroups. Scouts move forward, and soon the subterranean armies claw their way to the surface, finding themselves in an ancient and deserted settlement. Meanwhile, the groups from the foothills descend into the outskirts of the same timeworn ruins. Your first encounter is thankfully with reinforcements, having recently arrived via the shores. The leadership of your race begins to see the value of the mission, and not to be outdone by your enemies, has begun to send the most effective and terrifying weapons of war your race has to offer. The news is not all good, however. The supplies sent with this wave of reinforcements have been lost at sea, and your weary troops despair at the lack of food and water.

    Your best bet is to travel through the ruins, searching for supplies left by forgotten denizens of the settlement. After traveling for nearly a full day, scouts report a small storehouse up ahead. It isn't much, but it should be enough to keep the warband sustained until the next wave of reinforcements arrive. As your column marches through the ruins, the vanguard of your force has discovered a similar warband closing on the same supplies. To arms, you must reach the storehouse at any cost!

  8. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    “Finally,” Syzx thought to himself, “reinforcements and rations.” Hoping to to be greeted at the ship by a saurus crew, Syzx made his way down the beach. “More skinks,” Syzx sighed as the ships small crew began to exit the ship onto the beach. “Where are the rest of you, and the supplies?” barked Syzx in an annoyed tone.

    “Well... there was a mishap on the way,” stated one of the skinks.

    “Mishap? What sort of mishap?”

    “We brought salamanders!” the skink said excitedly. Syzx made his way below the deck and could begin to smell burnt flesh. “Salamanders don’t like being caged up this long I guess,” said the skink, “they got bored. We had to calm them down somehow and they like to eat. We did manage to put the fires out before losing the ship completely.” Syzx looked around at the charred walls, scorched cargo crates and piles of burnt flesh that used to be skink crew, and just shook his head.

    “Any news from the Mage-Priest?” Syzx asked as he made his way back up to the deck.

    “You’d have to ask Trid, the priest,” the skink said as he made his way down the ramp onto the beach to join the others.

    “Who is Trid?” yelled Syzx.

    “He’s the pile closest to the salamander cage,” the skink said as he and his fellow skinks began to laugh.

    “Unload what’s left,” Syzx ordered his saurus, “and hurry we have much to do.”

    Syzx knew his warband must scour further into the island in search of supplies. They managed to salvage a little food from the charred remains of the creates on the ship, but now they needed enough to feed two salamanders and a stegadon in addition to Syzx and his soldiers. The skinks reported some ruins and that they should begin their search there. Syzx and his warband made camp for the night and began preparations for their journey in the morning.

    As Syzx and his warband crested the hill, looking down on the ruins they see a collection of goblins forming on the other side of the ruins! The black orc leading the warband barks orders immediately and the goblin war drumming begins to echo through the ruins, as the night goblins and spider riders scuttle into position. One group of night goblins, flanked by spider riders, with their army standard and black orc general scurry toward the supply house! As another group of goblins with a shaman and another group of spider riders made their way toward Syzx forces. Quickly Syzx and his saurus made their way toward the supply house to secure it, while commanding the rest of his forces to deal with the on coming goblins.
    Goblin Spider riders make haste toward the salamanders and it proves a grave mistake! The salamanders unleash a powerful display of flame as 7 of the 10 goblins and their spider mounts are instantly incinerated, sending the remainder of the group fleeing into the hills. The skirmishers and stegadon position to receive the oncoming night goblin group. As the race for the supply house continues. As the night goblins get near, fanatics begin to whirl about! Crushing a few saurus as they spin wrecklessly. The goblin shaman chants and magical energy pulses and cracks around him. A large explosion annihilated 15 nearby night goblins as the shaman reels from his headache. Before he can recover the hungry stegadon smashes into the night goblins, tearing them apart. Whats left of the unit tries to flee but is stomped into the mud by the rampaging beast. Meanwhile the skinks are desperately trying to quell the fanatic storm before any more damage is done. They manage to fell one fanatic with their blowguns before it can do any more damage. Salamanders begin their run toward the supplies! Syzx and his saurus get to the supply house about the same time as the goblins.

    A stand off occurs while Syzx commands his other troops into position. The stegadon crew manages to control the beast and move behind the goblins, while the salamanders move parallel to the saurus. Again flames flicker in the salamanders mouth as one spouts an arch of flame incinerating 6 goblins, but the other is hungry and gobbles down 2 of the skink handlers! Feeling the end is near the night goblins charge into the salamanders unleashing yet another 3 fanatics crushing even more saurus as they whirl. The spider riders advance toward the saurus as the skinks try to take out more of the original fanatics. Not wanting to get too close the skinks fail to hit their target with darts. The goblin is moving too fast and what darts do manage to make it are deflected by the whirling ball and chain. Alas in their conservative efforts to stay clear of their target they forgot about the other and he crashed into the unsuspecting skinks killing 6 instantly! The salamanders manage to escape the goblins and their Orc leader with only a single wound! The stegadon with a thunderous roar bears down on the spider riders! The site of chunks of goblin still in the beasts horns and mouth were too much and the spider riders flee in terror! Syzx, knowing victory was near began closing on the night goblins. The fanatics dance of death saw two slam into each other and one whirl through the pack of night goblins and crash to his death into a building. Syzx and his saurus crashed into the night goblins flank. In a storm of steel and blood the saurus cut down the night goblins and their leader but all was not well. Yzxl, Syzx’s most trusted saurus was mortally wounded and died on the battlefield by the black orc’s blade.

    The warband gathered all the resources they could from the supply house. It should be enough to last until the next wave of reinforcements arrive, but hunting will still be a priority to maintain enough food and supplies for the warband. These ruins must be close to what the Mage-Preist is after, thought Syzx. Hopefully, the next group would have more information about their voyage and the Mage-Priest’s plans.
  9. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    Round 4 is 1100 points VS Vampire Counts in a Blood and Glory scenario

    Currently thinking...

    Scar-Vet (General) Light Armor, SHield, Burning Blade of Chotec, Opal Amulet
    Skink Priest, lvl-2, Plaque of Tepok, Ruby RIng of Ruin and Warrior Bane Sword (for magical attacks?)
    24 Saurus FC
    24 Skinks FC
    1 Stegadon
    2 Salamanders

  10. ChandlerGriz
    Chameleon Skink

    ChandlerGriz Member

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    1100 points VS Vampire Counts in Blood and Glory scenario Battle Report...

    VC took a unit of 30ish Ghouls, 6 giant ghouls, lvl-2 Vamp on steed and 9 Black Knights FC
    Breaking Point 2... and his Fort at this point is 3..

    Top turn 1 I win the dice roll and go first. Priest rolls 6,5,5 for spells. I trade the second 5 for the Thunderbolt.

    Saurus blocks setup toward the center of deployment with Skink Skirmishers between them. Lone Skink Priest to the Saurus left flank and two salamanders on far left flank. His giant Ghouls made up the center of his line with the 30ish ghouls to their left flank (my right side) and his black knights to his right flank (my left, across from priest and salamanders).
    Movement Top Turn 1: Salamanders march up to the Black Knights right flank. No other movement.
    Magic: Wind blow 4,4 with no channels on either side. Spell one is Thunderbolt with 4 dice targtting the Black Knights. VC fails to dispel with his 4 dice and 2 knights die in the blast. Last four dice into Chain Lightning targetting the black knights. It is successful and kills 4 knights, puts a wound on the giant ghouls and kills 3 or four little ghouls.
    Shooting: Salamanders spout flames onto the black knights and manage to kill two more knights, eliminating his only banner and giving me the turn 1 victory.

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