Some of my Lizardmen (Updated with a Cold One)

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by AllSeeingSkink, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    looks great :)

    He is well painted enough that i think he deserves proper eyes. im sure you can do it. i would recommend yellow, but i always seem to do that :p

    As for the spear tip, i think that black usually looks best, but that requires that you do not have black shafts. another way is to do them as sharpened bone, or you could go crazy, and paint them for example blue, like i did on my TG (check signature for pics). And ofc, there is always gold.
  2. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Yeah, the stone COULD look nice if I took some time and painted it with scratchy highlights and shades, but because I'm trying to keep to "speed painting" them, I want to avoid spending 10 minutes on each spear tip. The only manual highlighting I did on any part of that model was the gold (Brazen Brass washed either Devlen Mud or Badab Black and then highlighted Shining Gold), everything else is just washes and glazes, so when painted as a production line they're quite fast to paint. The shape of the spear just doesn't lend itself to being washed though because of the sharp edges and flat textureless surfaces.

    The eyes, yeah, you're right, all my models need eyes. I will admit I DON'T have a very steady hand and so I hate painting eyes, shaky hands means half the time I end up having to have 2 or 3 goes at it before I get it right.

    I'm thinking Blazing Orange for the eyes, simply because I currently don't own any yellow paints :oops: Any yellow paints I had dried up years ago.
  3. totzro

    totzro Active Member

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    I like him a lot! The colors works nicely.
  4. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    I might've chosen a different colour for the shield, so it doesn't distract from the cold one, because god damn that beast looks good. The Cold one's green eyes look pretty well done to me, too.
  5. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Thanks for the compliments guys :)

    What colour shield would do you think would look better? I mostly went with red because it matches the infantry models, though I used a slightly darker and dirtier red so it wouldn't clash with the Cold One (the infantry was blood red with black in the crevices, this was blood red + mechrite red with a devlan mud wash). Also I normally try and limit the colours on my rank and file models to a couple of strong colours (red, green, blue, purple, etc) then a couple of browns/blacks.

    I'm still undecided on the Stegadon colouring. I really like this red and think it'd look good on the Steg, but that'll mean all the "monsters" in my army are painted red (Sallies, Cold Ones and the Steg will all be red). I like the idea of a blue steg and reckon I could do something really nice with blue, but I wanted it to contrast against the skink riders and unfortunately I chose to paint my skinks purple, which doesn't really contrast well against blue.

    Thoughts? Do you guys reckon blue stegadon with purple skinks, red stegadon that will look much the same as the Cold One posted on the previous page (I do like the look of the red, its just a bit overused in my army), or something else?
  6. Omar
    Cold One

    Omar New Member

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    Maybe you can leave the shield red and just paint a contrasting circle inside each of the scales (nothing to fancy). I think that would give it a whole new look. Although it might be too much work, depending on how many CoC you have done.
  7. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Hey guys,

    Here's a prototype Necron I was talking about painting in the other thread about the new GW paints. I used acrylic paints called "Aqueous Hobby Color", they aren't nearly as nice as the GW acrylics, much harder to use well, the base separates from colour in like 5 seconds (not an exaggeration!) so you have to constantly mix it even on the palette and as you apply it to the model and it turns to gel quickly so you can't spread it (far quicker than the GW acrylics), but to fully dry is taking forever (painted it last night and the paint on my palette is still soft).



    I think it looks ok though. Could use a bit more depth to the shadows, I think a gloss varnish might bring it out a bit more as it looked perfect while the wash (Asurman Blue) was still wet, but once it had dried matt it lost some of its pop and shine, so the gloss varnish might bring it out, I just can't find my gloss varnish so can't test it right now.

    Also, Necron sprues are TERRIBLE. Whoever designed them should be fired. The models themselves aren't too bad, but the way the sprues are put together is aweful. The gun is made from 2 parts when it could be easily made from one, the head is attached to the sprues by the cheeks, making it very hard to remove them from the sprues without damaging the head and after you have, you then have to remove the dags from the cheeks which are concave in shape, the gun is attached to the sprue in an unecessarily large amount of locations, and much of the sprue is designed in such a way that you can't get clippers to it to remove it from the sprue without damaging the model itself. The models themselves are ok, but terrible sprues which make it far more tricky to assemble and clean the models than it should.
  8. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    Those are really nice looking metallics. Sad to hear that they are so hard to use, though.
  9. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Yeah, my main problem is that the paint doesn't appear to be drying properly. I painted that 'cron around 36 hours ago and the paint on my palette is still soft. Its a bit harder than it was last night, but its still soft enough that if I squeeze my palette hard it leaves a permanant indentation of my fingerprint in the paint. Admittedly I have to squeeze it pretty hard for that to happen, but it means my models are going to be very susceptable to getting dented and scratched while gaming if knocked over/dropped/bumped together, and I wonder if the pressure of the foam in the carrying case will be enough to leave a mark if they're in there long enough.

    The other problem is I glued the arms on after painting the model, normally this means the joint is a bit weaker as you're gluing to paint rather than plastic, but no big deal... but with this paint, it is a big deal, the glue has dried soft so the arms are pliable and easily flex. I reckon if I put it in a carrying case now, the arms would end up changing position after a few minutes in the case. Not a huge issue, for future models I just need to be careful NOT to paint the joints themselves before gluing them together, but an annoyance none the less.

    I might just put the model aside for a week or so and see if it dries properly and becomes rigid, if it doesn't its really not practical for models that I game with for the paint work to be so delicate. Hopefully it dries properly, as Aqueous Hobby Colour have some other really interesting paints in their range that I'd like to try.

    Still looking for somewhere that sells the Testors acrylic range, there's a few other hobby stores nearby I haven't checked yet.
  10. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Thats a really cool striking colour scheme for the necron! I'd love to see a whole unit like that. ;)

    That sprue design does sound pretty bad. I got some of the original metal necrons, but never built them into a full army when they properly came out even though I was always tempted.
  11. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Yeah I have some of those old original metal Necrons as well. Never put together an army either, just had 10 or so warriors, a few scarabs and 2 Destroyers. That said, back then the Necrons were absolute tanks, and even those 15 or so models could be considered a small army. It was back when Space Marines were truly "elites", and Necrons were one step tougher and more expensive. I think they might have been the most expensive core troop when they first came out.

    I still have the White Dwarf that came with the first free metal Necron Warrior model, in the 15 or so years I've been collecting its only one of a handful of White Dwarfs I've bought, and I got 2 of them just for that model ;)

    I like how they've expanded Necrons since those early days of copycat Terminators, though I miss the near indestructibility they used to have. Played a few games with them back in those early days and taking out a unit of Necrons was a real effort, and the Scarabs were pretty insane to kill as well (weren't they absurdly high toughness or something? I don't remember, need to dig out my old White Dwarf). These days they really aren't that hard to kill at all.

    If I ever get a unit finished I'll post some pics, want to finish off a few more Tyranids first.
  12. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    I just noticed that Aqueous Hobby Colour acts as a paint stripper :jawdrop:

    I was using it again and decided to wipe it off my palette instead of waiting for it to dry or mixing fresh paint with old paint and it stripped off the many layers of paint that was under it when I wiped it away!

    Maybe that's why it feels soft, its mixed with the white primer that was under it and softened it, but hasn't let it dry, similar to when you paint an enamel over a not-quite-dry acrylic... except this paint is advertised as an acrylic so that's weird.

    From now on I think I'll wait a day between coats to ensure the paint layers are fully cured before adding fresh layers of this metallic.
  13. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yikes that doesn't sound good. Be careful; if you have uncured paint sitting underneath it could be prone to chipping and peeling away large amounts of paint. To be honest, I would probably avoid using it.. But up to you.
  14. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Yeah I think I'm getting the hang of them now. Need to make sure the palette is clean otherwise the metallic softens then mixes with the paint underneath, even if the paint underneath is dry. Also need to make 100% sure the undercoat has fully cured before painting on the metallic. That first Necron I painted a couple of hours after spraying on the undercoat, which is normally fine, but I don't think these paints liked it. For the next batch of models I did 3 more warriors and 3 scarab bases and waited a full day from undercoating to base coat and it seems to have made a much more solid base (rather than soft and deformable like the first guy).

    The smell of them actually reminds me of something like an enamel I used to use on my model planes many years ago, so I think even though its a water-thinned acrylic it must have some enamel-esque chemical bases or binding agents in it. I'm tempted to try the next model with no undercoat at all.

    But the look of the metallic once you've laid it down is awesome, far more impressive than the GW metallics. The purple in that picture is actually one I mixed as they only sell blue and red, but the way it comes out I almost feel like just applying a couple of layers of the purple metallic to get a solid coat and then just leaving it, no shading, washing, drybrushing, etc. The one in the picture earlier does have a leviathan purple wash over it, but looking at these new 'crons I've just painted it hardly needs the wash. Its like a nice metallic painted car, slightly pearlescent to create its own highlights and shades as the light reflects off it. Especially when viewed in natural lighting, the metallic really jumps out at you. I might just leave them without a wash or shade and see how they look on the table top and decide later if they need a wash to add some shading.
  15. indigo lizard
    Jungle Swarm

    indigo lizard New Member

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    I love your colour scheme :clown:
  16. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Here's a new random idea that I'd like to hear some opinions about. Using Thunderwolves as stand ins for Goblin Wolf Chariots.

    Here's a mock up blutacked together...




    The main thing I don't like about it is that the Wolf looks a bit too small to carry the 3 goblins. Partly due to the fact Games Workshop common Goblins are absurdly large, they have arms that'd rival a model of Arnold Schwarzenegger. I'm not exaggerating when I say the hands of a common goblin are the same size as that of a Saurus Warrior.

    The alternative is to use something like Night Goblins or Forest Goblins, but I don't like the idea of Night Goblins and the only place I can think to get Forest Goblins is the giant spider box set and I'm not buying one of those just for the sake of a few goblins. They're a much more reasonable size though...



    Another option is to convert Grot models from 40k, though out of a box of grots only 5 of them would really be usable, so to make a unit of Chariots (3 Goblins per wolf, so 9 Goblins) is approaching the price of just buying a whole Arachnarok giant Spider for the Goblins.

  17. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    I think the first model looks pretty good. They aren't horribly large goblins. The wolf is beefy enough that it looks like it could hold them.
    Love me some Night Gobbos...
  18. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Yeah, I guess the main thing that looks weird is that it doesn't look like 3 Goblins could fit on it, I've got one falling off the back which is fine, but it doesn't look like he could fit on the wolf even if he tried. Whereas using the slightly smaller Forest and Night Goblin models, it looks like all 3 COULD fit on, just one of them has fallen off.

    The idea was it'd be 1 Goblin on the shoulders of the wolf and 2 in the saddle, one of which has fallen off and is holding on for grim death (greenstuff up a saddle large enough for 2).

    It'd be nice if GW just made some decent Common Goblin models. Another option is Gnoblars, but I'd still need to find some heads for them.

    Oh I love them too, have some 100 or so Night Goblins in my Army ;) They just don't feel right mounted on Wolves.
  19. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    It does look pretty cool the idea of having 3 goblins riding a giant wolf. I'm not sure if I buy that wolf dealing impact hits though. You maybe need some kind of goblin built armour around its head and/or front legs to get it looking more like it could smash through things?
  20. AllSeeingSkink
    Temple Guard

    AllSeeingSkink Member

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    Yeah I was kinda hoping it'd look a bit bigger than that, so the sheer side and weight of it would look like it could pull off it's own impact hits (like models with the Thunderstomp rule).

    Mostly I just love wolves and wanted to think up a way to integrate them into my army :p Initially I thought just mounting a Goblin on one and calling it a hero mounted on a wolf, but the thunderwolves seem to massive and magnificent to be relegated to such a role. Then I had a Thunderwolf sitting next to some of my old Goblin Wolf Riders and noticed it's at least twice the height, twice the length and twice the bulk.

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