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8th Ed. 800p Startup army

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by HolyCrap, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. HolyCrap
    Jungle Swarm

    HolyCrap New Member

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    While building up my forces I decide to only play with painted models so my 2400p target size is still far off. In the meantime, I and a friend of mine who recently started his second army, High Elves, decided to set milestones to aim for. The first one is set at 800 points where we will play some games while we work on the next (yet undetermined) milestone.

    Here follows my first attempt at an 800p list, facing High Elves, Vampire Counts and possibly Empire:

    Scar-Veteran 103p
    Extra hand weapon
    Light Armor
    Venom of the Firefly Frog

    Skink Priest 90p
    Diadem of Power

    25 Saurus Warriors 305p

    10 Skink Skirmishers 70p

    3 Terradon Riders 90p

    1 Salamander 80p
    Extra Handler

    5 Chameleon Skinks 60p

    Total: 799p

    The tactic is simple. Saurus block with ScarVet advances on enemy force while skirmishers and salamander on one flank attempt to reduce enemy blocks. Skinks can redirect and/or flank and sally can flank if running out of targets. Terradons and chameleons hunt warmachines or anything else annoying. The priest goes rogue and is mainly there to deny enemy magic. Getting of a spell is bonus.

    The only thing I feel lacking is the fact that I only have one block in this list. But splitting up the Saurus seems like a bad idea too.

    Any thoughts?

  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    At 800 points, your list is pretty strong. You will be hard presssed to overcome the elven magic, but the diadem is the best way to do that. The terradons and chameleons will work wonderfully at this points level as long as you do not use them expecting them to win a lot in combat. You should fly over things, drop rocks on them then face their rear for a round of shooting then rear charge them when the saurus engage them.
  3. HolyCrap
    Jungle Swarm

    HolyCrap New Member

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    I hope to use the terradons and chameleons to hunt down the very likely bolt thrower and then help the skirmish skinks and sally to reduce his blocks a bit. I expect to see two blocks, at least one of which will be swordmasters. I should have huge advantage in mobility so if I can use that I should be fine.

    The Saurus should win against any one of his blocks but not both. I just need to keep one occupied while I smash the other.

    Thanks for your input.

  4. Dunya
    Chameleon Skink

    Dunya Member

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    I really like the list. Terradons are great in general, but even better in small games in my experience.

    I would consider changing the magic setup though, as having 1 spell is just about as good as having 0. You're going to have a choice of being aggresive and risking miscasts on every cast or being catious and be easily dispelled by a high elf player who'll probably get +3 to his dispel rolls. Sure high elves can be built to have a nice offensive magic phase, but at 800 they'll be restricted to a level 2 just like you. My point is that I would much prefer the Plaque of Tepok to the Diadem as you pretty much fold on any kind of offensive magic otherwise. A defensive and shooty HE army could potentially be devastated by a Comet etc, so personally I'd want to have that potential in my army. Ideally a level 2 upgrade would be very helpful, but the Scar-vet general is a very valuable thing aswell. Its a tough call.
  5. Devean

    Devean Member

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    Hi all! First post :)

    I just wanted to say that your 800p list is very similar to the one I made the other day - must be on the right track! The only significant differences are that I've equipped my scar vet with a great weapon, and I have an extra unit of skink skirmishers (with jav/shield)- I also didn't include any cham skinks. Those differences may be primarily due to versing different armies though- I'll be facing Brettonians, Ogres and WE.

    Just a few *minor* points (please say if you disagree!). Is it worth having a champion in the saurus? I would think the scar vet could stand up to any challenges in 800pts. Also, is the firefly frog going to be cost-effective for a scar-vet? My thought is that he is reasonably strong so shouldn't have too many problems with the toughness of elves, skellies and humans (your main opponents). Taking out the champ and firefly frog could get you 2 extra saurus...

    Anyway, I'm still learning the game myself- I just had to comment as our lists were so similar!

  6. HolyCrap
    Jungle Swarm

    HolyCrap New Member

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    I was mostly planning on using the priest as magic defence but I will haev a look at the plaque and see what it has to offer. As for the Scar-Vet I want that extra punch (more below about him).

    Hi Devean,
    thanks for your input and good to hear we're on to something :D .

    Good points about the ScarVet and champion. Here's my thoughts about the setup:
    The ScarVet can stand up to most challenges I think, but I probably want him to cause carnage on enemy blocks. Probably more wounds done and more dead enemies to reduce ranks etc. The Champion is there to absorb challenges. And having the awesome ScarVet locked in a challenge against a lowly enemy champion is not desirable.

    As for his venom that is more to make his attacks magical in a cheap fashion (extra hand weapon + venom = cheapo Sword of Battle) since my dear VC friend really loves his Hexwraiths. It would suck a lot to have the Saurus unit + ScarVet locked up by a small unit of Hexwraiths and not being able to hurt them. Of course, the poison is an added bonus against normal troops.

    Feel free to point out any flaws in my reasoning!

  7. Dunya
    Chameleon Skink

    Dunya Member

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    The Venom also has the benefit that you get to keep you parry save, so in all respects it's extremely cost effective. The Burning Blade of Chotec is sort of the next great item in the lizardmen arsenal, so if you can find 10 points (possibly from taking the Plaque of Tepok), that would be a nice upgrade.

    Generally speaking I think its good practice to add champions to units containing characters. Gives you the option to either save your own character from a very powerful enemy character, or to avoid your opponent bogging your killy character down with his own champions. That said it is true that at 800 you are probably less likely to run into situations like that.
  8. Devean

    Devean Member

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    Fair enough. I suppose if you have 5 attacks coming from the SV (with extra hw), he should be doing a lot of damage to ranks! However, if you are versing 'lowly' champions with your SV, you should be able to get a fair amount of combat res from overkill (same combat res as if you attacked rank-and-file troops as champs don't generally have better armour). All much of a muchness really. However, as Dunya said, having the champ in there gives you the options and added safety if you're up against another character.

    Good points with the poison frog, it hadn't occurred to me that your opponents would be using ethereal (shiver)- that's probably your best option then! But if you're using 2HW you wont get the parry save.

    I'm considering adding the firefly frog to my list now... :)


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