Hi everyone, I'm wondering if any of you have used any of the fancier paints for eg. iridescent, glow-in-the-dark, interference, fluorescent. I was just at my local art store and they sell "Golden" acrylic paints. Iridescent colours are your metallics, oxides and pearls. Pretty self explanatory. Interference colours changes colour depending on which angle you view it from. Glow-in-the-dark... self explanatory. Fluorescent colours are your hazard colours. Very popular in 80's disco fashion I imagine these fancy colours to be used sparsely in magical orbs, enchanted armours/weapons, feathers, eyes, etc. and not in excess amounts. ALTHOUGH, I want to see a glow-in-the-dark saurus horde
I bought some phosphorescent (glow in the dark) paint a few years ago with the intention of painting it in tyranid eyes so when the lights went off, you would just see a big horde of glowing eyes. Would be sweet in theory! The problem was the paint was very thick, and didn't look very good when there was light. I tried thinning it, but you really need somewhat of a thick layer to get the glow in the dark effect. So thats what you need to be careful of - many of those special types of paints need to be thick (compared to the size of models of course) to really work. I did see a somewhat fluorescent army a couple of years ago which looked pretty cool, at the moment I can't remember if I saw it here or in a High Elf army unfortunately...
I haven't tried anything fancy like glow in the dark, but the Necron in my painting log thread was done with a metallic from the Aqueous Hobby Colour range and it is quite pearlescent (it loses a lot of it's pearlescence when washed like I did, but as a bare colour it looks like a metallic pearl car). I did have a lot of troubles painting it though, as you can read in my plog. But if you want a metallic pearl effect like you might see on some cars, you can try that paint. The same range has flouro and transluscent paints, which I've never tried myself but I've heard of people using them on Skaven for wind globes.
Well I do have a irridecent/pearlecent Slann. the color was a happy accident my friend made when mixing silver with some other colors... looks great tho, and it painted well.
I have used a pearl effects pain to do an army of Space Marines before, although it took some serious thinning and multiple layers to get it right. looked okay, but proberbly would have got a nicer effect by painting swirls into the armour instead