Hey everyone, I am completely new to warhammer. got interested in it a long time ago but was never able to get started. i even bought a 40k 2 player starter kit but moved away and had no one to play against. Recently I just convinced my girlfriend to start up the hobby with me by buing the dwarf and goblin set (i know its old) so she took on the dwarfs and i took on the goblins. Its just to get us started but we have chosen what our main armies are going to be. She chose wood elves and I chose lizardmen. Very hard choice to make but I believe it was the right one. Was originally wanting to go with dark elves or vampire counts but afterwards decided that they were too dark and weren't as well rounded as the lizardmen. Plus I have always had a thing for reptiles (own two bearded dragons). I've done some reading up about the army and for Christmas my gf bought me a bunch of lizardmen stuff to get started god bless her! Still not sure about army building or anything, actually haven't fully learned how to play yet but we are both working on that. Sorry bout the novel I just wrote but I hope to enjoy my stay here in the forum happy gaming everyone!
anyone know where i could find a tutorial on how to start building an army. I have a lot of pieces but not sure exactly what goes into building the army. been reading a lot of things on the internet and the LM army book and its a bit confusing and some of it seems to contradict with other things i read. any help would be greatly appreciated.
HAHAHA your girlfriend is WE? Mine too! You should read the main rules book to get a feel of how the game actually works. Play with your girlfriend so she can learn at the same time. Another alternative is to just go to Games Workshop and ask one of the people there how to play Warhammer. They'll be more willing to help, I'm sure.
yeah she likes the fact that there are female characters lol. With the goblin dwarf starter kit we picked up a few extra pieces for her dwarves, drunken miners (they are just too finny to pass up), gyrocopter which she was excited about, and of course... Helga lol. Wish I could go to a gamesworkshop. I am at least 8 hours drive away from one IF it is still open. It was in a mall and last I checked that space was empty. Not sure if they relocated. We are just getting use to playing now but it was the army building that had me really confused. I see everyone on here talking about what equipments they are using and what not. Not sure if the pieces have to be bought and added to the minis or if you just have it in your army list come game time. I only looked at the small rule book that came with the starter set and its pretty vague. But I will look over it again and will have to look through any rule changes as it is not the most recent. Been reading through the army list threads and I am getting a small idea of what to start with. I thought I saw somewhere online that someone is using a Slann in a 1000pt army. But isn't Slann a lord and wouldnt that not be allowed in a 1000pt army? These are among the types of things I am getting confused on. But I will do as you suggested and read through the rule book again. I may be able to find some WH action around town to check out and bug them with questions lol. Thanks.
The lowest level game that a slann will fit into is 1250. That will give you an allowance for 312.5 pts for lords and characters. You can get a basic slann in that list with just enough points left over to give it some magic items or make it the bsb.
Thank you that clears it up a bit. What about Gor-rok. Read his story and sounds pretty cool. He falls under hero but isn't he just a white oldblood? And oldbloods are lords right? so in a 1000pt army could I use an oldblood and call him Gor-rok? Was planning on creating him anyways just because I think he sounds awesome. Not a Chakax but still pretty cool.
Yea, Gor-rok would fit in a 1000 pt game. He is expensive though. Try it out though, you may like it enough to bring him to other, higher point games.
He's just really, really blessed. Old-Blood is based on age. You also can't replicate his durability (though it is kind of wasted on a character with 2 wounds and no ward/regen). That out of the way, you can run a better Old-Blood, though WE are really good at 1k points, so you may want more bodies.
Unfortunately my gf read that the same time I did lol. Thanks for the advice. I figure going against them would have been the case of having strength in numbers anyhow. From what I have read people who use WE like to run around the board and shoot at a distance. So if I cut off the number of places she can run with my Saurus regiment then I force her into fighting hand to hand.