Hello peeps. Newbee here, found this forum through a friend and was told its the best place to come for advice on getting up and running with a Lizardmen army. So far, all I have are some very old minis which date back to 1998, they were in a starter kit that contained Brets and Lizzies. I have around 32 Skinks which are armed with bows and I am unsure what to do with them, I also have around 20 Saurus warriors with HW, SH combo. Some advice on what I should add to make the force upto 1k would be greatly apprecitated. Thanks coldone28
Welcome to the forums. You can use your skinks as blowpipe skirmishers, GW has stated that its fine to use models from previous editions even if they have the wrong weapons (and since only Southlands has shortbow skins you can just use them as blowpipe skinks). From what you have right now you can get: 20 Saurus (do you have command for them?) 10 Skink Skirmishers 10 Skink Skirmishers 10 Skink Skirmishers which comes down to 430 pts. Buy a skink priest and you have a good 500 pts starter army. From there you should aim to beef up the saurus to 25-30 and add full command and get a Scar-vet to act as your general. That gets you to ~800-850 pts (depending on which and how many magical items you give your chars). The last 150-200 pts can be spent on anything really, like 1-2 salamanders, 16+2 Skrox unit, some cammos, a unit of 6 naked Cold one Cav, terradons or even a Steg if you go for 25 saurus rather than 30. The important thing to keep in mind when buying a 1000 pts army is that you build towards an "end game" army. If you're aiming to get a 2000 pts army then you should build your 1000 pts army with units that you will have in your goal army, that way you practice using the right units with the right unit sizes and you avoid buying stuff that you end up not using later on.
Cool thanks for the reply, I think I am going to aim for a 1k list for now as money is a bit tight. The last 150-200 points would probably be best spent on some terradons as I have just found 1 lurking in the bottom of my box. With a bit of work done to it, it should look presentable. Thanks again coldone28