. Is this enough contrast? I'm just starting out painting and have only done a sallie so far, what crest color would you say to go with?
Colour choice is good I think. I would probably go with either red or yellow for the crest. Red to give that bright lizard look, yellow to fit the rest of the model more subtly. Try to get a lighter shade of green to highlight/drybrush onto the skin and maybe a wash as well to add some depth and make the detail come out better.
Washes naturall shade and darken base colours so I would say there is a very strong chance it is darker than blazing orange...
Thats because you have to use [pic] not . We disabled the img tags by restricting their size to 1 pixel, but the pic tag works exactly the same. [quote="Lord Tsunami"]to post images in threads you should use [pic] tags rather than [img]. apparently it is to stop spambots (though i havent seen any of those on any of the other forums that still use [img] tags...)[/quote] The reason we did it is because we were getting loads of bots on this forum posting very large and very explicite and inappropriate images. It was a direct response to a very bad bot problem we had for a long time.