8th Ed. Slann overpriced and over powered?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Arli, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. Kharn The Betrayer

    Kharn The Betrayer New Member

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    That's not quite as disgusting as either 12 or 15 man-eaters (can't remember) w/ poisoned brace of pistols and sniping, my slann took a wall of led to the face and died on turn one ( shiver ), and if they want to be a total A hole they throw the greedy fist in that unit
  2. Bananmats

    Bananmats New Member

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    "Slann overpriced and over powered?" is a oxymoron, isnt it?

    Problem is that you cant really look at 1 character/unit and say that hes OP or not. Its not a game where models fight 1on1.

    They are damn good "and should be, i mean, they taught Teclis" and would be really overpowered in other armies.
    But we need to be really dominant in magic phase, thats our thing.
    And Cupped hand is very much needed when you expected to throw tons of dices.

    We have a solid good core units, like Skrox and Saurus. But thats about it, they get smashed vs tons of things out there, and therefore we need to be buffed to our teeths.

    Only unit that might be considred OP in our army, for the price, is Salamanders. Not sure thou.
  3. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Yea, I agree with you. I know the slann will probably be nerfed when our book is released. But I know that the salamander will be nerfed. It is almost broken.
  4. Daeghrefn

    Daeghrefn New Member

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    Salamanders are very powerful against the majority of armies with 20 mm bases on most of their units, but significantly less useful against things like ogre kingdoms.
  5. Smexygor
    Chameleon Skink

    Smexygor New Member

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    Sallies are our only real artillery. And they need to get fairly close to do their work, and that work tends to be limited to screwing with T3 or lower dudes. Any higher, like Chaos Warriors or Ogres, and the wounds will be few enough to hardly warrant his imminent death soon after. I know they are strong but we have a thin codex as is, not a lot of diversity. Most of our options are darn good, like our Slann, but it is part of a cohesive working whole, and take parts of it away and the army starts to have glaring weaknesses that would take a strong army and make them an ok army. Cupped hands, the disciplines, they could use some cost and usage changes. Fix that, and the slann is, imo, just fine. Hell, he's just fine as he is now, to me, but that's because as strong as he is I don't always win and lizardmen don't always win. Outside of a perfectly balanced environment where everyone has an exactly equal chance of succeeding statistically, someone is going to be strong and someone not as strong. You don't have to neuter them. It is just the nature of the game.
  6. Hinge

    Hinge New Member

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    Hmm. I have been reading this thread with some interest. As an opponent, I do feel the Slann is undercosted. Sure there are some strategies to mitigate some of the disciplines/items and there will be times that a crappy winds will hose you, but the frog is the dominate caster in the game and comes at a bargain price.

    As a Lizardman player, I can tell you can that you can leave him at home and do well in the most competitive environments. Lizards have access to excellent combat troops, fast troops, good chaff, strong shooting, and monsters. Design a list around these strengths and you can get away with just skink priest(s).

  7. Durandal
    Cold One

    Durandal Member

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    I'll throw this out there, I'd much rather see the Slann cost more then recieve a rules nerf. Just give skinks access to another lore or two, as well.
    Heck, if they make Coatl mounts, let them cast like a level 3.
  8. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Agreed. I think a) cupped hands price go to 70ish; b) no free power; and c) properly points balance the powers, not have them all arbitrarily set at 50.

    Definitely would love a Coatl! That would be awesome. I feel like an in-between caster option would be awesome, and damn it would be a sick model. Surely that'll be our next expensive model from GW.
  9. Durandal
    Cold One

    Durandal Member

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    I'd honestly hope that the Carnosaur gets a plastic kit, and I'm fairly certain that GW would roid it out (Mournfangs are nearly as big as it), and looking at the model…if you swapped the arms for wings and filled in the waist instead of legs, you'd get a decent flying snake-thing.

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