8th Ed. Old vs New Models - what would you keep?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by gapton, May 22, 2012.

  1. gapton

    gapton Member

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    Hi all,

    I have had my liz army for 10+ years, they are from the 5th edition. I think they still look awesome, but some of the newer models are very nice as well.

    Having these models with me for so many years, I find the new models a rather big change in style. Skinks are alright, but I still prefer the Skinks with bow models, although not the easiest to paint.

    For Sauruses I must say I prefer the ones in the 5th, the new ones are skinny! They are supposed to be strong, tough and rather stupid and slow compared to the Skinks. I think the old model gives a strong but less-than-smart look, like a strong and utterly loyal servant!

    I am not a big fan of the old Terradons, but I have two of them, so instead of buying 3 new Terradons, I have purchased an old one from ebay, so I will have a unit. The new Terradons are better but not by much.

    For the Kroxigors I will definitely say the old ones! Firstly the new one is too skinny, secondly the new one looks like a drooling monster without a brain lol I like the old ones better, strong and mildly fearsome.

    I only have the 4 Temple Guards from the old Slann, and a TG command group. I was going to buy a unit of TG but they were metal-only at the time, meaning a unit of 15 could easily run you US$100 / GBP 60 or so.

    I find the new Temple Guard looking too much like Saurus. In the 5th, the two are HUGELY different in look, mainly because of the TG's huge bone helm and very special spear (which I think look awesome). In the current version, their bone helm is much smaller and from the pics it just looks too similar to ordinary Sauruses.

    Slann, I prefer having TG carrying them but I must say in both version the slann wasn't something I would say is awesome looking. Korak looks cool tho, however in my memory, he was portrayed differently in the 5th Armybook, more like a skinny mummy instead.

    Stegadon, I prefer the old Stegadon, but the new basket/thing that skinks ride on. The new stag looks so fat with its tummy dragging on the ground lol however the new basket/platform/whatever looks nice. Engine of the Gods are nice too, although a little too "high tech" because in the 5th Armybook, when I read the stories, I have always think of the Lizardmen as a race that harmonizes with the nature, using leather, gold, wood, special stones, jades, etc. Definitely not an *ENGINE* or anything that gives a sense of technology really.

    CoC - old ones for sure. The new ones looks...... silly. They are stupid, I know :p However I just think Skinks on Cold Ones are so much cooler. I don't know if anyone would agree lol However, Skinks are supposed to be nimble, smart and agile, that is familiar with the Jungle and can tame monsters right? I have no idea since when were the dumb Sauruses smart enough to go into the Jungle and tame some beasts hahaha.

    Oh Skink Priest, I must say I prefer the new one. The old one only had one variety, and it's bone helm is so huge that you can't really see him haha. The new one you get a nice staff, or a leaf cloak, which is kinda cool cause I have always liked the theme of Lizardmen being one with the nature, the jungle etc.

    I have a hard time buying the new models, so I just ended up buying old models from ebay in small batches. My army isn't fully assembled and me and my buddy are playing 1000 pts games anyway, so I have plenty at hand.

    I would really love to get a unit of old Temple Guards tho, they look so awesome (old ones). But all-metal would be a real headache to carry and protect.

    I am sure many of you guys have played in the 5th, or have seen the older models. What do you think? Do you prefer the old ones or do you find the new ones more Lizardmen-like?
  2. Durandal
    Cold One

    Durandal Member

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    Well, the Old Ones were literally space invaders, so it sort of fits. That said, I'm not entirely sure how old the connection between the two is. Didn't the Lizardmen used to be semi-generic badguys that really wanted to destroy Bretonnia?
    The steg is pretty fat, but I like the look of it and the howdah, more polished. I'd replace the old one for it, but if you like the old one, no reason to. And it should be noted that while saurus certainly won't be composing sonnets, they are more simple-minded and blunt, rather than stupid. Old Bloods are literal masters of warfare, after all.
    The current TG serve their purpose, they are a bit bigger than the warriors, blinged out from the armor, but not drastically fitting with their similar stats. I do own a huge unit of the old metals though, because I think that they were great (a couple even made it into one of the new paintings in the armybook).
    Honestly, they are your models. You're the one who is going to have to build, paint, and play with them, so I'd just do the ones that you like the most. There's no need to replace them, and the changes have been very superficial.
  3. Caprasauridae

    Caprasauridae Well-Known Member

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    I'm not a fan of old stuff. In general. Like Barney from How I Met Your Mother said, "New is always better". Ok, maybe I'm not as fundamentalist as he is, but usually that holds true for me. I'm so new to the world of Warhammer, that I have no emotional attachment to the old models and I don't think I have yet to seen an older model that I like better than the new one, in any army. Salamander is the closest one, so far.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I agree with most of what Gapton said.

    Saurus: I prefer the old Saurus. I'm cutting off the crests from the newer models heads so they match better when fielded together. The older ones will be in the front ranks.

    Skinks: I like the look of the new skinks better, but the older skinks rank up better. I have mixed feelings.

    Swarms: I like the old swarm. I like that Cold One Riders come with free swarm even better.

    I like the first and second generation Kroxigor models equally. The current ones I dislike.

    I never liked the chamo skinks, I painted regular skinks chamo styhle. If they all looked like the chamo skink special character, I'd pay even GW prices for them (probably).

    I slightly prefer the look of the old Temple Guard, but not by much. I have enough of them to fill the front two ranks. Then I'm going to use the current plastic as filler.

    I don't like the old Terradons because they don't rank up. I don't like the new ones because they are complicated to assemble.

    I'm not sure where I stand with Cold One Riders. I'd like skink horned one riders to become a choice again, I really like the Tichi's Raiders set I have.

    I prefer the older Stegadons but the newer Howdah. The new Stegadon does look grossly fat.

    I really dislike the new Salamanders a lot, so I bought six of the old ones. The Razordon has no predecessor but I think it's easily the best new model so no complaints.

    I prefer the new characters over the old ones across the board by a small margin. It'd be nice if Saurus characters came with equipment options other than sword and shield though.
  5. KillerK

    KillerK Member

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    I love my old model's. I have managed to horde a lot of them, some were around 10k+.

    I like the new skink with blow pipes, but that's about all :D
  6. Eladimir

    Eladimir New Member

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    On the slann point I think the new one is much much better.

    The fat toad leaning to one side looks almost comical to me.

    The new so slann floating solo looks meancing and more serious, big fan.
  7. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Old School models all the way! Except for the box of plastic skinks, which I love and mix in liberally with my converted old bow skinks. The bow skinks were awesome and cheap and I have about 100 of them, but they have no place in the new army book.

    I kinda agree about the old slann being a little odd looking, but I am pretty nostalgic about him. The new Slann is growing on me, but initially I thought he looks a bit weird. Chances are good that I'll be sculpting my own Slann anyway.

    I also love the new terradon riders, but the old terradons were so much easier to put together and they looked great.

    Hate the new Krox, which is why I sculpted my own version :)

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