7th Ed. What models do you never leave home without?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Doom Lizard, Jun 17, 2008.

  1. Doom Lizard

    Doom Lizard New Member

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    Hi all. I am looking forward to starting a Lizardman army here real soon and was wondering if you could indulge me. What models/units/sizes always make your list? i plan on starting a small 500-1000 point list to start with then building from there. Oh and on the flip-side, are there any of our units that never seen to make your list? Thank you all
  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    I would say a box of skinks and a saurus character for some good leadership is a strong start. From there it's whatever takes your fancy, what do you like the look of the most?

    Over the years I have found that the lizardmen don't really have a bad unit in their current edition.
  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    For small games, without a doubt, i would put a JSoD on the top of the list. He is a bargain and can be used for nearly every role (beyond breaking r&f units on his own).

    Many people will in all likelihood say that a unit of 15-20 Saurus is something which they will not leave home without, but I would propose the opposite that 2 units of 10-12 skinks w/ a unit of 3-4 Kroxigors is the best basis for an army. Saurus, with their m4, low I, and large unit size, can be best described as an anvil unit. Against some armies, such as Dwarves, you could well get the charge off; but regardless Saurus are going to win through attrition. Meanwhile, the bait and break tactics of a Krox/Skink combo can allow the Lizardmen to play a much more aggresive game.

    So, as a basis for an army, I would suggest a Scar-Vet blister, a box of skinks, and 3 Krox. From there you can invest in Saurus, but Terries, salamanders, steggies, JSoD, etc. all work best when using the bait/redirecting principle first learned through Krox and skinks.
  4. Doom Lizard

    Doom Lizard New Member

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    I pretty much think the entire range is beautiful. I don't like how the Temple Guard are metal so i may have to convert them but other than that I love all else. Was thinking of doing a Red Crested Skink list but I think I'm leaning more towards a balanced force. I believe i know that a JSoD is similar to my Alter Noble i usually play with so he is definetly going in. Is there a page or reference for all of your interesting acronyms :)
  5. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Well, you're not going to have to worry about whether you like the Temple Guard or not for a bit, as they can only be included w/ a Slann.

    As far as the JSoD (Jaguar Saurus of Doom), yes, like the alter noble you have a m9 single character cavorting around. Armed with the Jaguar Pendent, a great weapon, and some sort of beefed up defense, a JSoD is different than an alter noble in that the JSoD is a chariot buster (Str 7) with no ranged threat. Therefore, he is used more aggressively (some might say suicidally) as a scally torpedo.

    P.S. the acronym page is currently WIP, be up soon.
  6. doulos05
    Jungle Swarm

    doulos05 New Member

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    I know you're looking at smaller games, but as you grow your list let me just say, every game I have ever fielded a Stegadon, it has done exactly what I asked it to do.

    I've been able to use the bow to take away rank bonus just before the green horde hits. I've stuck him on the flank and watched him tie up 2 beast herds for 4 turns (he ended that game unbreakable and positioned exactly on the left flank of my troops. My opponent was pretty pissed because we were under 6E rules and he couldn't wound it because all he had left were S3 guys with spears). I've run him right up the middle and watched him tie up chosen Chaos knights and Chaos warriors, turning their flank to my Saurus.
  7. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Really even in small games I have seen a stegadon used to great effect. An army that was 500 pts that was a stegadon w/a skink chief, 2 units of skinks, and a salamander pack. Did quite well as he coralled enemies away from his salamander and skink units shooting away the whole time.

    Note: i am not advocating this tho :p

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