Hello all, It is time to post again. Some of you might remember my thread about chupayotl lizardmen, well I did not make any progress instead I have started a slann army! These are the models that I have gathered so far, but I have more on the way ! Slann mage Cold one Actually got 5 of these but 4 cold ones does not have riders yet but on their way. Slann warrior (Temple guard) Only inf I got so far but more on the way aswell x) Since these models are rare and hard to get I am going to use pygmies as skinks! Hope you like them and more to come!
Love the mage-priest. Looks like a tyrannical, self-indulgent overlord, which is how i've always pictured the slann. I think the fluff is mage-priest propaganda, mannnnnnn. Seriously though, I'd like to see a bunch of older models painted up, as I'm too new to have seen these ones.
Yes I totally agree with you regarding the slann, it is a really great model. Especially a nice touch is the poor human fortune seekers who was unfortunate enough to be captured and got to carry the fat frog. I will probably start painting next week hopefully, I have recently ordered new colours ! But in the meanwhile some new models should arrive in a couple of days.
Man, those models are ancient. I would like to see the completed set. What year were those models released?
Yes indeed they are ancient, they were released in the early 80's I cannot say the exact year. I know for sure the pre slotta one is 30 years old.
I see these pop up from time to time on eBay, but I'm sure you're on top of it. eg: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Pre-slot...games_RL&hash=item4d003b9f06#ht_500wt_1094asd http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Citadel-...Wargames_RL&hash=item256f787cf9#ht_500wt_1094 http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Citadel-...Wargames_RL&hash=item256f787db7#ht_500wt_1094 http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Citadel-...Wargames_RL&hash=item256f787df7#ht_500wt_1094
Ok a small update! First a group picture with everything I got so far. Got this weird miniature for a couple of dollars on ebay. Do not know anything about it except its an old pre slotta. I have not seen one like it before might be very rare? As you can see on the picture the lizard on the cold one is very tiny aswell. But yet again I do like these old weird models xD
Couple of new models to the leadpile! Salamander Slann warrior The original ciatdel coatl! Good ol' cold one Finally the one and only kremlo the slann!!! Also notice my WIP stegadon in the background
Time for an update! I have finally started painting my slanns. Lord Chuqa-Xi of the Moon City: The very first Slann to use humans or "warm-bloods" as slaves. They capture them first, bring them to the City of the Moon and lobotomise them
That looks great. I like the old school slann. We should still have human slave units, that would be cool.